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Shoot a video excluding 2nd person POV

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Hey Leo,


When watching your videos, I always have wanted you to shoot one only in 1st person, or in other words, non-dually. So, instead of seperating speaker and viewer, you speak and use pronouns as if they are one. 

Practically it would look like you speaking to yourself as the viewer. I think it would be awesome and give your adience a real sense of what it means to be Pure Conciousness interacting with Itself. The audience would have a palpable sense that they actually are you (the Consiousness that created the video) and also the viewer (the Consciousness watching the video) at the same time. There would be no separation. Specifically would have been sweet in the Radical Implications of Oneness video, What is Perception video, etc...

For me at least I know that it would guide me deeper into the Truth and pointings, and this audience is the only audience that would understand it. It could be any video with a preface of what you are going to do with the pronouns. 

Just a though, I think it would be badass.


Thank you!


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I am currently watching the What is Perception video and I think this idea would be incredible. I am swapping the pronouns in my head, so basically every time you say “you” switch it out with “me” or “myself” or “I”. I have never heard a teacher speak like this, but it would blow my mind and it really is like the Consiousness would be revealing the Truth to Itself.


A quick example in the What is Perception video around 23 minutes when you say, “Really what happened is you were carved out of reality, like a negative sculpture. And I want to show you an image here of a negative sculpture, so you understand what that looks like.” 

“Really what happened is I was carved out of reality, like a negative sculpture. And I want to show myself an image here of a negative sculpture, so I understand what that looks like.” 

Instead speaker/viewer wording, replace the pronouns as if you are speaking from Pure Consciousness to Pure Consciousness, not as Leo to a person. 

Even me replacing the pronouns in my head takes me so much deeper into a Non-Dual state. But, if I didn’t have to think about it I think the pronouns would sink into the viewers and get them to understand on a deeper level what it means to actually be One. It would automatically put the viewers in a position of relating to Consciousness more instead of them as a person.

Again, it would just be Consciousness interacting with Consciousness without a separation. This would change the game. If you don’t see it, go re-watch the What is Perception video changing all pronouns to 1st person.

“The external world is not something behind the scenes, hidden, that you never get to interact with. It’s actually the exact opposite. The internal world is completely open to you, and not hidden from you at all.” 

Change wording to:

“The external world is not something behind the scenes, hidden, that I never get to interact with. It’s actually the exact opposite. The internal world is completely open to me, and not hidden from me at all.” 

Changing this wording completely puts me (the viewer) into a non-dual paradigm. It is as if I am speaking to myself. I hope this makes sense.

Just wanted to clarify with some specific examples. What do you think? 


Edited by Alec

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