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The Issues Of Friendship.

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Do we need friends? Who can we actually call  a friend? What is friendship anyway?

Like most people here, I'm an introvert and have been this way as long as I can remember. The ammount of people I've let in my life has progressively decreased as time goes by. And that's because of hurtful past experiences and disappointments. Now, I may have a pretty naive/idealistic view on the concept of friendship, However I've seen the ugly side of people from a very early age. As a kid I was really bright, smart, funny, high-achiever, talented, confident and successful at any field of interest. My parents were financially stable so you could say I was a bit spoiled (being an only child). I've alway tried to be respectful, generous and treat everyone the same. But people are envious, kids even more so.

What really surprises me is that they don't want to see you succeed. A quote from english class has stuck with me. It goes like Whenever my best friend succeeds, a little part inside of me dies. I've tried to relate this to my experiences and yes, I'm guilty of it as well.

I know I have very high standards for people. In the past I would cut out someone from my life as soon as he proves to be disloyal or disappoints me in some way. I am way more tolerant now and accept that we're all human and everyone makes mistakes. I've let myself be used or manipulated in some way and only see it afterwards. I've played last fiddle because I setlled for mediocrity for the longest time.

Everyone has their own path in life. I understand and respect that.

It's time for change. I want to be successful. I want others to be successful and will surround myself with people who will settle for nothing less.


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Most people take everything far too seriously and personally. I have come to see this as the absolute number one problem in any and all relationships. 

Then, top it off with all the labels, judgments, excuses and lies that humans are so prone to piling on and it's no wonder we feel like we can rarely deeply connect with and love others. 

When you learn to undo all of that, people become, at a minimum, fascinating and highly entertaining. Ultimately, you experience true unconditional love. 

It's worth the effort. 

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