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We Are All One - Why Are You Currently In Your Body?

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This is a really hard idea to put into words... I'll try.

So we're all one consciousness and our separate selves is just an illusion. I am you, you are me, etc.

Why then were you born as you and living this life now currently in 2016? As consciousness, you could have been born as anyone at any time in history, but for some arbitrary reason you were born as yourself in this time period. Doesn't that seem odd? I can't quite put into words why, but that just feels really bizarre to me for some reason. Like right now, you are you in 2016. You're not me, you're not Steve Jobbs creating Apple, you're not an Egyptian King building the pyramids...  you are you in this era. How arbitrary! Why you and why now?!

If we're all one consciousness, this must mean that at point you must experience being consciousness locked in the body of everyone that has ever or will ever exist throughout time. So right now you are pure universal consciousness living out a lifetime locked in the body of yourself. But since you are really just pure universal consciousness, you must also have the experience of living my lifetime, King Henry VIII's lifetime, Steve Jobbs, Donald Trump's life etc.... everyone!

Isn't that bizzare? Am I missing something?



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48 minutes ago, dlof said:

Why you and why now?!

If I were not me, and not in this time, then this question would still be valid in another time for another me. 


51 minutes ago, dlof said:

If we're all one consciousness, this must mean

Yes we are all one, and that one is you. The real you, which is not a human in the world among other humans but the world itself that includes everything.


1 hour ago, dlof said:

Isn't that bizzare?

Whatever is in your experience right now is what the reality is.(NOT A THING MORE). Yes its bizarre, it has always been that way. In fact, everything is fuckingly strange. But there is nothing you can do about it, the more closer you look at things, the more alien they appear. 

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I get what you're saying... hard to reconcile being EVERYTHING in reality when you always wake up to the same one... same body, same people, same life... Leo says the field of awareness... it's not localised within you... but then... surely it must be if I experience MY life everday? I'm missing it too...

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@Nicole2602 What is the whole world, but a model inside your head. The phrase "being everything" probably seems weird to you now because you are seeing through the lens of a character INSIDE the manifested conceptualized world in your head.

Edited by Electron

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There is this body that's closer and all the other bodies are farther away. But that's just the nature of the universe we are in.

Edited by Electron

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1 hour ago, Electron said:

If I were not me, and not in this time, then this question would still be valid in another time for another me. 

Exactly, and I find that so weird because apparently there is only the present moment, so it seems extra-strange that in the only moment that exists you are living the life of an arbitrary person in an arbitrary time when you could have been anyone at any time. Surely you should be experiencing everyone and everything at the same time... either that or that there is something extra special about your lifetime because you are locked into your body in the present moment which is the only moment that exists. But neither are the case, which makes it so weird!


1 hour ago, Pinocchio said:

Yes it's bizarre, and it's also true. You're not missing something, at least in theory. You are spot on.

You and me and Steve Jobs and the Egyptian pharaoh's and aliens and extradimensional beings and non-corporate entities and everyone else, even Donald Trump... are all just different dreams of the same consciousness. If they exist at all.

The entire context of your life, your time and place in the universe, even the universe itself, is all part of the dream. All completely made up, none of it true.

Yeah "if they exist at all"... that's where things get crazy. It would almost be easier to assume that consciousness is only living through your perspective and that everyone else is an illusion without the sense of being locked in their own consciousness like you experience. But that still begs the question why the focal point chose such an arbitrary medium, such as yourself, when it could have chosen anyone else at any point in time!


1 hour ago, Nicole2602 said:

I get what you're saying... hard to reconcile being EVERYTHING in reality when you always wake up to the same one... same body, same people, same life... Leo says the field of awareness... it's not localised within you... but then... surely it must be if I experience MY life everday? I'm missing it too...

You know I just find it so weird that out of everyone who exists you are currently experience reality as yourself. But since time is an illusion, you are currently experiencing being me and also that dog down the road. But for some bizzaro-land reason, right now, you have the experience of being locked in your body for your entire lifetime and you can be sure that you will wakeup every morning as the same person every single day!

My head hurts now.

Edited by dlof

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for centuries people asking who the "I" , but there's none, just the concept. So the only thing would do is their is only "Awareness", we are all part of it, so We are One.

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