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Wife meets her ex girlfriend often

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I need some serious help. My wife and I separated recently for a couple of manageable issues that I need to fix before we can get back together.

Over the past few years ... she has been in touch with her ex gf and I didn’t seem to have any issues. Now that she is back home ... they meet often and I am told that they meet because ex gf and her husband are concerned about her happiness. When they learned that she is moving back they even suggested that they can back together into a relationship. 

I am really having a hard hard time and keep watching the series of video and don’t know how to get out of this mindset. 

Any peace of advice will be greatly appreciated

Thank You


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I wouldn't know how to give you peace of mind. I'm not entirely sure I understand what you are feeling disturbed about.

I can give you a useful suggestion.

Distract yourself by working HARD on yourself. Pick one or two things you want to improve in yourself and study and train obsessively to make that improvement real.

If you need to, you can keep your spirits up by telling yourself that the improvements you are making will attract other interesting women to you, even more interesting than your estranged wife.

Of course, those improvements would also attract the attention of your wife.

It's fairly difficult to block negative feelings. The effort of trying to block them actually gives them energy. It's much easier to generate replacement feelings which are more positive, and which you charge with meaning and attention so that they drown out the negative feelings you had been having. 

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