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Change in perception of time

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The strangest thing about the path of truth is the change of perception.

To most people this would seem strange, crazy.

But when I look at memories, videos, stories of the past I don't see the past but the present.

This is not a new idea, I think many people have experienced it.

There is a popular book by Kurt Vonnegut - slaughterhouse five- where the main character gets "unstuck in time".

It's not like I can travel back to the past or future, but the boundaries between past, present and future seem to loosen.

It just becomes weird to use the present tense when talking about something that happend.

I guess if I was to talk about this to "normal people", they would think I'm crazy, but I don't think that is the case.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

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I am definitely experiencing this and as my understanding of "there's no such thing as time" deepens, the more malleable time becomes. For me, it's like past, present and future are all occurring at once. Days and weeks no longer speed by or slow down. The only difference is the sun is shining or the sun is not shining. 

My career dictates that I know what month, day and year it is on the calendar but they no longer have meaning. My body is busy when the sun is shining and my body rests when it is not. Other than graduation could have easily been a few hours ago rather than years ago and my trip to the beach could be in a few hours from now rather than next July because I am already there perceptually.

Many great thought leaders explain this as part of the awakening experience when our perspective shifts to the infinite instead of the 3 dimensional construct we were born in.

My philosophy is always - play and have fun with it!

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Thanks for the reply.

I wish I knew more people like you!

Happy play :)

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