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The most crucial thing that I think I've always lacked in my life is discipline. Even though I have certain fixed things that I do everyday. I am not able to do them on a fixed time. Poor time management is one of my major weaknesses. I am very much whimsical most of my day especially on the holidays. Whenever I try to constrain my activity through certain rules and regulations I end up being miserable. Also, I find that I am more productive in my creative endeavors when I am acting on a whim. But when it comes to the usual grind, I can't possibly allow myself to stay capricious as it infracts the consistency I need. I feel astonished to see the discipline that Buddhist monks possess which somehow enables them to never digress from their routine. But the thing is they live in a monastery where these rules are enforced upon them but I live alone and nobody is imposing anything on me except myself. These rules imposed by myself eventually dissolve if not revised ( thanks to the dynamic nature of our minds), and even if they are revised, the motivation to act upon them dies eventually. Is there any way to become disciplined by yourself without getting institutionalized? 

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Freedom and discipline are opposites and they are also complementary.
The purpose of defense is to protect freedom. But is there freedom in defense? Do soldiers have freedom? No, they are bound, not allowed to put the right foot down when told the left foot. Their steps are measured; they are unable even to walk with a natural rhythm. There is no freedom in defense, yet this is what protects the freedom of the country! 

Freedom without discipline is like a country without a defense. Discipline protects freedom. They both go hand in hand. Understand this and move ahead in life. You have certain restrictions that allow you your freedom. You can focus either on freedom or discipline, and be happy or unhappy.

Fences have a definite place and purpose. If you build a fence all over the entire property, then where will you put your home? Yet a well placed fence protects the property.

Love puts you on track. Fear also puts you back on track, as is the case with religions that have put fear as the main motivating force.

Nature itself induces fear in a child at a certain age. A child has no fear when very young; he gets 100% love and attention from the mother. But as he grows more independent, nature brings in an iota of fear; he learns to become cautious. With increasing freedom, the child learns to walk more carefully.

There is a state of absolute freedom, unlimited bliss, the freedom Advaita* talks about. But the Advaita Knowledge has been totally misused according to people’s fancies and conveniences. We need to be very practical. There must be freedom in the mind, love in the heart, and discipline in action.

Fear of losing freedom brings discipline and defense. And the purpose of defense is to eliminate fear.

*On this Path, Knowledge is your freedom - and also your defense

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Would you be prepared to do some shadow work with me?

I can guide you

You need to discover and make friends with a sub personality that is sabotaging your practice.

Try this:

Select the trait you don't like about yourself.

Ask for the talented sub personality that is bringing you this trait to reveal itself

Close your eyes and take notice of the first image that comes up 

Communicate with it respectfully, ask permission to speak to it, and respect whatever it says

If it decided to communicate with you then ask the entity what it wants to be called

(Treat it like you would any other person that you would like to get to know, as your task is to lead it with your true Self (capital S) and train it to become what you want it to be, but first it has to get to know you, trust you and respect your true Self.)

Ask what year it is 

Ask where it lives

Then thank it, and communicate that you're done now.

Ask it if it would be prepared to talk to you again

(RESPECTFULLY, like you would a frightened abandoned child)


I hope this helps.  

Keep in touch with the entity and get to know it, keep your eye on what you learn.

If you have any questions you're welcome

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I have the same 'lack'. Discipline is not needed in life. That does not mean you do effort for the things you like. Every type of effort that does not make you tired (when you do not try to force an outcome) will be a award in itself. Leo had said it in his last video: become relaxed. When you are relaxed, much cooler, creative results are there. It is an art to find an intrinsic motativation for everything life you do, just come up with one. Forcing a external result to be happy won't work in the end. But if you need to (school), practise relaxation, self-love and intentions (see Matt Kahns videos, Teal Swan Swan also a video on self-love). Than it is not a burden anymore and can be done more allowing. That is a much more finer way than institutionalizing.

Life is when awareness hides in the idea of personal experience. ~ Matt Kahn

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@A way to Actualize yeah, ur right. Loving what you do is the key. I watched a video about self-discipline on YouTube and the monk in that video told that its not that they are forced to do things in the monastery, they want those things for themselves. They like doing them. But the thing is at the start they don't, but eventually develop a taste for it by practicing daily. That's one benefit of the practice being enforced upon you. So yes, how to want something, something you don't particularly feel good doing, is the real question to ask. And institutionalizing is one good way to develop a liking for something. 

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