The Journey to My Life Purpose

By Torkys in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance,
I am writing about this mainly because my intuition told me so - also because I have mentioned it and experimenting with methods of expressing myself is one of my goals. I resisted doing this for like 45 minutes so... It all began in November 2017 when I realized that I lack a vision for my life about which I wrote in this post: Fortunately, @Joseph Maynor commented on this post suggesting me to do life purpose work. Joseph, you provided me with resources and got me to explore my psyche, a huge thanks goes to you! In December I did VIA's strength assessment test and got my strengths figured out. I also went through Joseph's journal and started doing the exercises he did. They clarified some things but the one exercise that gave me the best results was Pavlina's (emotional intelligence) life purpose exercise. Essentially, you brainstorm life purpose ideas, try to find the ones that emotionally trigger you until you start crying typing/seeing one of them - that's your purpose. It is suggested to do this in one sit even though this will be one of the most frustrating exercises you will ever do in your life - not in my case. I started doing this exercise in January and skipped 2 months. Those 63 minutes I spent doing it January I already got some results. A quote from my commonplace book where I did the exercise: In February, I found my values using this technique (this will be important later) : In March, I continued doing the life purpose exercise and a remarkable thing happened. I was stuck between 2 purposes - making people authentic and ridding people of ignorance. I described the event in my post about discovering Infinite Intelligence - without which I would still be completely clueless: After this and getting hour-long "downloads" from Infinite Intelligence, I continued the exercise, the purpose I really ended it was "freeing people from impurities". Now, I need to make it clear (hehe) what purity means to me. What unites authenticity and understanding - my top 2 values - is that they rid people of things which covers up their true nature: inauthenticity and ignorance. I remember realizing this and whispering "Oh my fucking God!" over and in the dark at 1 AM. So I will use the following definition of pure in this post: "free from resistance and ignorance". Purity is what makes people more conscious; you can replace it God, consciousness, Truth, anything of that nature. On March 7th, my intuition told me to meditate for an hour - so I did. I haven't meditated in weeks so this made me appreciate the difficulty of work ahead of me to become pure. While I was meditating, my intuition said that I should do intuitive writing about my life purpose (heh, what a selfish bastard ), so that's what I did. I started writing at 0:30 AM. I wrote about how sharing of my purity and purifying by sharing are the parts of my purpose - one night I started crying when I visualizing my current closest life purpose (to become a force of purification out of raw purity of soul) and I wanted to capture that feeling - and I realized that this purpose is dualistic. I wrote out the requirements for my life purpose statement, wrote one down and I wanted to make it the most non-dual I could but the one who made it more and more non-dual wasn't me - it was Infinite Intelligence. My search finally ended at around 1:20 AM when I wrote down this purpose: "My life purpose is to let purity manifest in me and purify sentient beings." I was shocked when I discovered my purpose. How could the Universe give such a noble purpose? (@Charlotte, if you can call a purpose noble, this must be it ) I am essentially dying to Truth and let it heal the world. I am still in the process of integration and buying fully into it. Two more reasons for sharing this: one is providing resources and inspiration for those of you who haven't found their purpose and this puts a pressure on me to make this purpose a reality. Finally, I would tag @Nahm, @i am I AM and @cirkussmile because they might be interested. Thank you for reading this!
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