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Question: The Ultimate Model Of Human Knowledge (@leo,@all)

2 posts in this topic

Hey community,
Hi leo,

I've been following your YT channel for quite a while but what really blew my mind for days is your video "The Ultimate Model Of Human Knowledge".
I just recently watched it again - but this time a question popped to my mind and I cant warp my head around this - and I'd like your opinion - and everyone elses opinion is also welcome - if that's not asked too much.

So before I go straight to the question - this is where I'm coming from:

Here are 3 key elements - kind of like 2 - I took from your video.

I. the knowledge graph only contacts experience on its peripheries - "the empirical data/the raw facts are only along the edges"
II. if you get rid of your self/knowledge graph your are left with truth
III. truth is what remains after the knowledge graph has been completely destroyed

* to clarify, the way I understand it truth is experience/empirical data - the stuff we experience with our senses *

Then maxwell maltz popped into my head..

And in his book psycho-cybernetics he uses many examples of ppl who gain experience through taught so to say.(The way I understand it)
Like the concert pianist who has little experience, or the golfer who mentally rehearses each shot before making it.
And that got me wondering what truth or better said empirical data really is...

I guess my question is, even if empirical data is not really empirical it is, isnt it?
Or can there actually be truth?
You know, every one has lucid dreams from time to time - and if you have a lucid dream where you fly for example, your senses do pick it, you can see it, you can feel the wind on your skin, you can hear the wind hissing on your ears, isnt that kind of the definition of empirical data? The same way the pianist practices in his head instead of front of a piano..

Well, I hope my point translates to you guys since I'm not rly an native english speaker.. let me know what you think, maybe my question is stupid because I didnt pick up on other important things in that video - in that case sorry?..

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