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Meditation Into Awareness

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Does meditating help into 'the staggering depth' of my unawareness. Will meditation actually be a building stone? 
I want to tell you people, that i tried becomming aware of exactly what he described. I could transform simple topics and talk and so forth ... into the best kind of jokes imaginable.
Now you might ask 'well, how can that be'
I have suffered from a disease named Morbus crohn. I lost very much of my weight because of it and have felt very uncomfortable most of the times. 
But then some things began to trigger in my brain. I looked at the world from inside perspective and that's when the best humor of my life came into reality ... It is really powerful and each day will feel like 'as if you lived the day, like it was your last' type of humor.
In theory i cannot explain exactly how it works, that does not mean, that i do not have an idea of how it happend.
When i was thin, my body kept changing and building up more weight. At times my blood vessels very thin and other times very watchable. My theory is, that when my blood vessels were thinning It actually stopped some of the blood flow into the brain, where my point is that, it literally shut off some the blood flows in my brain that trigger 'happyness, anger and just feelings in general'. They were completely shut off and i basically had the best days in my life. 
This is just a theory so far but i know exactly, with the feeling i have been through, how staggering my depth of unawareness is and i am working on it, to archive exactly this same kind of feeling again.

I dont know if i posted this in the wrong place but i hoped if you could tell me if 'meditating' would actually be a good place to start off into discovering my unawareness? :)

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