Leandro Oliveira

The Bates Method - Improve Your Eyesight Naturally

6 posts in this topic

Has anyone tried to do it? And, if so, does it really work?

I'm hoping there is someone here in the forum who is familiar with this xD

Edited by Leandro Oliveira

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Which part? Please be more specific lol

Edited by louvar

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Well, I know that the method has some techniques, but as I said, I was looking for some feedback if it really works or not: how much time it takes to start having effect, the experience itself, the improvements or not by anyone who has already tried it.

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@Leandro Oliveira I am also extremely curious--I even appreciate you just introducing the topic, because I hadn't heard of the Bates Method! Unfortunately, my left eye is considerably less sharp than my right eye (I took an eye exam, and my right eye in fact scored higher than my left eye in clarity), and this problem became prominent only very recently (for the past two years it has been a very gradual decline). Has anybody tried this method? I am avoiding glasses because I am hearing they actually worsen your vision over time. Is this true? I am a filmmaker, and my vision is invaluable to me... Help!

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I tried palming like 9 years ago I guess, when there was little information online and I read Bates's original book. It made a lot of sense, especially palming, but I was maybe too young because I remember finding it "boring". Now that I am more experienced in terms of meditating, I think it can yield better results and I'm willing to try. It can easily fit in the meditation routine. But as far as I'm concerned you need to be very patient and persistent. 

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I haven't read it all yet but here's a link for those interested.. 

I wore glasses for 10 years or so and my prescription hasn't really changed..

I'll share something as it relates to the topic and may inspire others to sit there and stare at things making me feel more normal ?.. A couple months ago I started experimenting with my eyes and I noticed a couple things.. I'm sure some of you are aware, one of your eyes is dominant.. Well I've been working on switching my vision back and forth from one eye to the other without the use of my hands or winking and also looking through both eyes at the same time.. I can do this with little effort now.. Another exercise I've tried is without my glasses on if I concentrated hard enough I could bring the vision of one of my eyes into focus.. It's not permanent nor is it as easy as just putting on my glasses.. Maybe who knows if I stick with it I could correct my vision with more practice.. I can't explain exactly how to do it but it feels like I'm using the muscles or whatever is behind the eyes.. There may be something there for consideration as I watched a video on something relating to meditation, the eyes, and the sinuses.. The gentleman told people to use their hands but it's not necessary if you focus hard enough..

And I did this before I saw the video, just saying.. I don't want to float my own boat but I can explain what others are unknowingly doing using these older techniques.. Wish I kept links to everything using keep.. There's a lot of info out there you just have to search.. I know why they use gongs telling you not to hear it but feel it and or speak certain chords.. but I'll save that for next video.. jk, lighten up, why so serious lol ?



Edited by Atom

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