Life Purpose Course Worth The Investment?

By sleeperstakes,
I'm most likely looking to apply to colleges to study in 2018. The problem is that I have absolutely no idea what I want to do. Its not that I have no passions, it's the opposite. I have to many, and i find it hard to focus on one thing. The amount i earn minus expenses doesn't leave much for spending, so for me Leo's course is a big investment. I've been reading a lot of life purpose books recently and a lot of them talk about "what would you do with your life if money and time weren't an issue" but the problem is that i don't know. what would you suggest is the best path to get, as leo puts it "A vision for my self-actualized life", should i buy the course? would it make a genuine difference? any book suggestions? How can i find out what my values are for long term fulfilment if i haven't experienced literally everything there is to experience? how do most people do it? am I overthinking this?