How To Get Rid Of Sustained Intense Joy After Meditation

By WaterfallMachine in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
I was excited yesterday. For the whole day. No kidding. I woke up at 6am and didn't feel tired enough to fall asleep till 12am.  And the effect didn't start on that day. It started the day before in my determination sitting, where I focused so deeply, I hallucinated. There seems to be an odd increase of being ridiculously happy recently and this was by far the longest one.  For all those people who might be saying, "Oh my gosh. But why get rid of something so amazing?" It was nice in the beggining, but then it got tiring. I had so much energy I just wanted to do and do and do stuff. I was happy but I was  also getting agitated on trying to find things to do I can use up my energy on. I'm not particularly sure, but I get the sense that I get more impulsive. Not impulsive in that I lose focus quickly. Oh no no, that day might have been the most focused I've ever been. But in that when I focus so deeply, I might not think so hard about what's a good idea to focus on because of my need to use up my energy. Add to that that intense happiness has this idea of everything is possible! And well, stuff happens. The ironic thing is that I woke up somewhat earlier than what usually is when I sleep this late. I'm still happy but not as intensely as last night where I literally felt like my body was exploding with joy that I literally went jumping and running around excited. Today is more. . . calm. How do I get something more calm? I'm calm enough right now that when I counted how many breaths I'm taking in a minute, it's only two times. I'm pretty hesitant to start my meditation today. That was pretty exhausting. Maybe I'll wait a bit. I'm getting excited again that I'm taking breaths every 2 seconds and really, I'm getting tired. Help?
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