
Twenties Journal

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When I turned 21 years old, I created a Twenties Journal to create an amazing life on my own terms. I am now 22 years old and I have dedicated a section to my journal to keep track of happy moments or happy days so I can be mindful of my happiness levels in my life. This happiness list was inspired by Leo's Gratitude List and I realized that there are so many happy moments in my life like going to the theater, going on an adventure, traveling, spending time with my family, eating a delicious meal and having a consistently great day. I wrote out my goals for my twenties and my biggest goal is to reject the 9 to 5 and raise a family lifestyle and to focus on living a fully self-actualized lifestyle by dedicating my life to my top passions which is travel and creative writing. My plan, after college, is to make the transition to my nomadic lifestyle and to prove to the skeptics and pessimists that my nomadic lifestyle can be achievable. One idea I have is to move to South Korea to teach English and to build financial stability and achieve financial freedom. Another idea is to move to Thailand and live affordably.  The Twenties Journal has been extremely beneficial for my life and it helped me realize how happy I am currently about my life and how optimistic I feel about the future. I discovered in 2015 and I realized that it will be my most valuable assets for my self-actualization. 

Edited by Zane

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The purpose of the Twenties Journal is to keep track of the best things that happened in my twenties and the memories I want to preserve. I will write down my goals for the future and I plan to fulfill them. I will focus from 20 years old to 29 years old. The purpose of the journal is to also to know myself and to discover who I really am. Another purpose of this journal is to create a strategy for my future. The main purpose of the journal is to use my journal as a tool for personal development and as a tool to achieve self-actualization

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Happiest Moments and Days of Twenty Years Old 80 moments 

1. 2013 was a mediocre year for me academically because I received my worst GPA. My GPA of Spring 2013 was a 2.0 and my GPA of Fall 2013 was a 1.46. These GPA’s both hurt my cumulative GPA badly, I lost my scholarship, and my cumulative GPA was a 2.0. I felt horrible about the mediocre GPA and I wanted to do much better in my classes. Fortunately, I hired a learning coach and began working with tutors and my GPA got much better and became a 3.0 during the Spring 2014 semester. My cumulative GPA now stands at a 2.35. My short term goal is to pull my cumulative GPA up to a 2.40, 2.45, or 2.50. My long term goal is to pull my cumulative GPA up to a 3.0 or higher. I am fully capable of raising my current GPA and cumulative GPA. I believe that I can control my life and I am fully capable of success.

2. I came to the realization that I am a success story. I started out as a Special Education student who was in special classes during elementary school. I talked in a high-pitched voice, I had many strange gestures and tics like bugling and arm flapping and overexcitement. I had trouble socializing with my peers and I was seen as “annoying,” or “weird.” I had few friends! I had poor fine motor skills and As I grew older, I dabbled with several creative outlets and I also dabbled in horseback riding and karate. My main creative outlet was creative writing and I participated in many writing workshops with the poet Adele Steiner, Sally and the poet Kenny Carroll and the poet Martin Arnold. I participated in poetry contests and I won two contests. I also submitted my writing to an online magazine and became a VIP member. I struggled academically in classes like Math and Science and Spanish and I felt like an incompetent failure. I was in Special Education math classes and my parents hired several math tutors to help me. I was highly frustrated with math and at best, I got C’s in my math courses. It was very hard for me to focus in math class and I had consistently failed math tests. It felt unbearably frustrating and I endured low self-esteem, and high self doubt. I believed that I was terrible at math and no matter how hard I tried, I wasn’t going to get better. In high school, I challenged myself academically by taking Honors English and Honors History during my freshman year and sophomore year. I took an AP Psychology class and an AP Literature class and an IB History class. I was accepted into five colleges and I chose Guilford College. 

3. I got back my scholarship to get discounted tuition after losing the scholarship because of my poor GPA.

4. I chose to major in Education Studies and I feel fully confident that I will succeed in my double major. 

5. You got a new Macbook after your old one broke. 

6. You attended What the Hell Con.

7. In 2014, my dad almost died from a brain hemorrhage and he suffered from terrible migraines and double vision in his eyes. My dad had two major falls in 2014 and he was sent to the hospital. This was really scary because the doctors did not know what was wrong with my dad. In January 2014, my dad went to the hospital for surgery and he almost died but the great news was that he recovered fast from the surgery and by the end of 2014, my dad was in excellent health again. 

8. For Christmas, my parents gave me clothes, clay cats, chocolate, and an Amazon gift card, 

9. For my birthday, my mom bought me a pea coat from Macy’s. 

10. Spring 2014 was the best year for me academically. In all of my classes, I earned B’s and my final GPA was a 3.0

11. Fall 2014 was a slump for me academically because I received two C pluses and one C and my final GPA was a 2.20 but the bad news was that my cumulative GPA dipped to a 2.35. I don’t feel disappointed about my GPA but I could’ve done much better. 

12. This year was a better year for my self-control. I developed the habit of blocking distracting websites for 10 to 13 hours and it has been very helpful for me. The main benefit of blocking websites is that it helped my GPA get much better. My GPA changed enormously from a 2.0 to a 3.0 

13. I got involved in the Yachting Club and the Outdoors Club again. I also joined Guilford’s Writing Club. 

14. For Halloween, I went to Elsewhere and to a Ghost Tour.

15. Fall Break was excellent for me because I hung out with Ethan and saw “The Boxtrolls.”

16. saw “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes,” with Beau. 

17. I went on my first weekend trip outside of Greensboro and Washington DC. I went to New York City for the Climate March and I had a great weekend

18. My parents told me the great news that I will be going to San Francisco and San Diego during Winter Break. I am extremely excited for my trip! 

19. My creative productivity has skyrocketed. I wrote hundreds of pages in my writing journals and I started using “The Artist’s Way,” as a main creative resource. My writer’s slump is over because of my writing journals, joining the Writer’s Club, and retaking the Creative Writing class and getting a B. For 2015, I will work on a big writing project during 2015. I promise to write a novella for National Novel Month. Every month, I will set writing challenges for myself. I will join a writer’s website or create a blog for myself.  

20. I took a big risk this year by taking two 200 level college classes. I took English 207-Introduction to Fiction and Psychology 224-Developmental Psychology. I got a C+ in both classes. In my advanced classes, I will get B’s and A’s. In my Realm of the Stars class I got a C because I failed the final exam but I came close to passing the exam. For my Developmental Psychology exam, I got a C. 

21. You retook Creative Writing during the summer and your final grade will a B. You did much better in the course than in Creative Writing in Summer 2013. 

22. You took Quakerism and got a B-. You were tutored by Grace Ethier who helped increase your grade. You did much better in class with her help.

23. You went to Carowinds with Gray and OSLE during Spring 2014.

24. I discovered why I find dyed hair attractive. While this seems to be a superficial quality at first, dyed hair could symbolize rebellion and nonconformity which are two qualities I find deeply attractive. Normalcy, girlishness,  and being ordinary are highly unattractive qualities. I strongly disagree with the conventionally attractive view of a supermodel.  The reason I am so attracted to Ramona Flowers is because she is a combination of many qualities I find attractive such as calm, laid-back, seductive, femme fatale, mysterious, rebellious, and unconventional. Another character I strongly love is Belle from “Beauty and the Beast,” because she is an excellent balance of creative, imaginative, beautiful, intelligent, patient, curious, and assertive. I strongly disagree with society’s view of masculinity. The way I interpret society’s view of masculinity is that a male is violent, animalistic, aggressive, obsessed with sex, and chauvinistic. Sensitivity is seen as a weakness in men!

25. I met Angela Ballou, Nicole Arnold, Sarah Dreir-Kasik, and Doug Smith who were all helpful in improving my academic performance in my classes. 

26. I’ve seen many plays this year! 

27. I saw Animal Farm at Guilford three times and I absolutely loved it. 

28. I saw Heartbreak House at Guilford twice and it was okay but it could’ve been much better. I loved the performances but the pacing was too slow. 

29. I saw Rimers of Eldritch at Guilford three times and I absolutely loved it.

30. I saw “The Magic Flute” at the Kennedy Center and it was one of the best operas i’ve seen in my life. The main reason I loved the opera was for the set designs, costumes, and performances. 

31. I saw “Henry the Fourth Part 1” at Sidney Harman Hall and I absolutely loved the performances and how fast the play was. Kelley Curran is one of the most gorgeous actresses ever. 

32. I saw one of the best concerts in my life. I saw Art Garfunkel perform live and it was a great concert! I loved how friendly and laid-back Art was and I loved how he answered the audience’s questions. Art is one of the greatest singers of all time. 

33. I went with Angela Ballou and her family to see “The Addams Family” musical at a local high school in Greensboro. 

34. I had a great Thanksgiving and had a delicious meal of turkey, oyster stuffing, vegetables, and other foods. I savored my meal and ate it mindfully. Unfortunately, getting back to Greensboro was a disaster because of the Greyhound being late, the bus having no air conditioning or WiFi, constant stop-and-go traffic, arriving in Richmond Virginia by late evening, waiting for a few hours at the Richmond bus terminal, finally boarding an air-conditioned bus with WiFi, and arriving at Greensboro way after midnight. A Guilford student was able to give me a ride back to school because there were no cabs available. 

35. I did my first major Wikipedia project and I did my best on it. I logged in 40 hours of editing for Wikipedia and I got a C on the project. 

36. I got a B+ in Introduction to Theater with Marc Williams. 

37. I wrote my Course Summary for Introduction to Fiction and I got a B- on my Course Summary. 

38. I got a B- in my Criminal Justice class with Jerry Joplin.

39. You took Letting Your Life Speak with Cheryl Bridges which was one of your favorite classes of all time at Guilford. The class inspired your cultivating passion for personal development. 

40. I went to a school dance with Laura and we both had a great time.  

41. Christine added me on Skype! This is a clue that reveals that Christine wants to know me better and wants to be friends. She said that it was really sweet that I was interested in knowing her platonically.  

42. I made friends with Jared Gassway. 

43. I saw all four Dinner and Discussion meetings at Guilford. 

44. I attended the Mystery Dinner Theater at Guilford. 

45. I attended my first Meetup during Fall Break. My Meetup was the District’s Wonder and Creativity Lab. 

46. I voted for Kay Hagan as North Carolina Representative. 

47. I read Falling Man by Don DeLillo and Typical American by Gish Jen 

48. I came to the realization that I am a Mature Soul with the roles of Artisan, Scholar, and Idealist. My sexual orientation is asexual and sapiosexual. Sapiosexual means that I am attracted to intelligence. I strongly disagree with physical relationships and sexual relationships. My personality type is a combination of ISFP, INFP, and ENFP. I am ambiverted because I have elements of introversion and extraversion. My Big Five Personality Types consist of Agreeableness, Extraversion, and Openness. I have an Idealist temperament and Artisan temperament. I am strongly against highly structured work and I love flexibility. For my career, I am a Renaissance Soul who would love to dabble with a wide variety of jobs especially involving travel. 

49. I discovered the Black Cat Appreciation Group and met Norman, Batman, and Tabitha. Norman got ill with IBS and almost died from it. Fortunately, Norman recovered and he is feeling much better now. In late February, Norman and his sister Tabitha were both sick but both cats recovered. 

50. I met Wayne Morris and Vicki Morris

51. I met Devon Cook

52. I met Tamara Chambers

53. You hung out with Katie Fox and Kristina Krozak. 

54. I followed RoboFist’s Revenge on Tumblr and it is one of my new favorite Tumblr blogs. 

55. I discovered Jenny Lorenzo’s work online. She is a great Ramona cosplayer!

56. I discovered Ginny Disguiseppi’s Belle cosplay. 

57. This summer, I went to my first Roller Derby match in Greensboro. 

58. This summer, i went to a summer festival in downtown Greensboro. 

59. During Fall Break, I got my new US passport. 

60. I saw Fight Club

61. I attended Serendipity and went to my first rave party and I stayed for an hour. 

62. I went to the Guilford prom party. 

63. Steve the cat got adopted on December 20. 

64. On December 20, I went to a latke party at Carla and Jeff’s. 

65. On December 21, I went to two Hanukkah parties in Bethesda. 

66. On December 21, I saw Hilary and Hack and their sons and had dinner with them at my house.

67. I met Aletheia Luna online and I joined the Old Souls Facebook group. 

68. I saw Bill Bryson at Guilford College and I met him in person. 

69. I took Tai Chi levels 1 and level 2 with Michelle Carter who is one of my favorite teachers. I had coffee with Michelle Carter in the Green leaf. 

70. i met Theodore Kogod and got to know him better. Theo is one of the coolest people i’ve ever met!

71. I met Nancy Roberts at Carolina Diner.

72. I met Emma Moreno and Tyler Midkiff in the cafeteria.

73.The actors and actresses in the Guilford Theater Department recognize me as their patron of the arts.

74. You discovered new websites like Marc and Angel Hack Life, LonerWolf, Lifehack, Dumb Little Man, Zen Habits, Zen Pencils, Write to Done, Oxford Seminars, International TEFL Academy, Matador Network, Nomadic Matt, Banker in the Sun, A Life of Blue and, the Great Courses, Milking the Pigeon and Audible-The Great Courses. I need to block these websites because they’re distracting! 

75. I had study abroad sessions with Daniel Diaz and i applied to the St Clare’s Program but I was rejected. I’m happy that I applied to the program and I had a good interview with Caroline McAllister. For 2015, you will look at other Study Abroad programs where GPA is not looked at. 

76. I had career counseling with Amanda Fontenot 

77. I had internship counseling with Megan Walters and you are registered for Professional Development.

78. I had counseling with Allison Aggresti and Jocelyn Williams. 

79. My trip to San Francisco went excellently. On Tuesday morning, I arrived in the city and went to a diner for lunch and dinner. On Wednesday, I eat breakfast at a deli and I had latkes and took a walk in the city with my parents. On Thursday, I went to the pier and saw my brother. On Thursday night, i went to a crepe party. On Friday, I went to Golden Gate Park with my family and Haight Ashbury. I had spaghetti with virgin olive oil, prawns, and garlic for dinner. On Saturday, I saw the Nutcracker and had an avocado and cheese omelet with sourdough toast for breakfast. I had Chicago-style pizza for lunch and on Saturday night, i arrived in San Diego. On Sunday in San Diego, me and my family visited model houses and we had company over for dinner. I ate beef and mashed potatoes, butternut squash and salad. On Monday, I went down to Tory Pines with my family and near the beach. I got lost in Tory Pines and I had to go to the ranger station for help and I found my mom a half hour later. For dinner, I had spaghetti with meat sauce and a chocolate and blueberry truffle for dessert. On the last day of the California trip, I went to Del Mar Beach and we had dinner at the Fish Market. I ate the Duckett’s Bucket for dinner. 

80. The best thing about this year is that your slump is over!!! You have fulfilled your dream of going to New York, San Francisco, and San Diego. The best thing about going on these three trips is that you’re getting closer and closer to fulfilling your travel goal. Your grades have gotten much better. Your creativity has drastically increased by writing in your journals. The best thing is that you are making progress. 

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Twenty Years Old and Twenty One Years Old 2015 94 events

1. I had a great last day in San Diego and had mussels and clams at the Fish Market. The bread as an appetizer was delicious! However, I had a headache after dinner. I was able to wake up early and fine on Friday morning and after getting home on Friday afternoon, I took a nap. 

2. I attended Hack and Hilary’s Roaring Twenties Party on January 3 and I had a lot of fun during the party.

3. I had a great dinner with Richard Schildhause and his family on January 7. I connected with 

4. You learned how to use chopsticks and you improved your fine motor skills. Your motor skills are making huge improvements and you’ve reduced your physical tics. You’re making excellent progress with that and you should be proud of yourself. 

5. On January 8, you attended the ArtAbility information session and you will consider it as an activity to do this summer. 

6. I had dinner with Richard and he told me about a Special Ed work opportunity  

7. On Wednesday, January 14 2015, I had a great dinner with Sophie from CCW.

8. On Thursday, January 15 2015, I had a great day with Dad and I went to the Maryland side of Great Falls to take pictures. 

9. On January 22 2015, I had my interview for ArtAbility and my interview went excellently. I was a standout applicant because I was the first college student to apply to the program and it is highly likely that I will be accepted into the program.

10. On January 22 2015, I had a great dinner with Sally Fasman. 

11. On January 23, my parents took me to a birthday dinner at Himalayan Heritage and I had the tandoori shrimp. 

12. On January 25, I had a great day back on campus. I slept until 9 am and I had a great lunch at the local Mexican restaurant. I had shrimp quesadilla! I saw Laura and Gray today. 

13. On January 26, I had my first day of class and I am excited to make 2015 a great year. 

14. My first whole week of classes went excellently and I feel highly confident about the end of the semester. By the end of the semester, I will finish with a 3.30 GPA. The good news is that I’ve contacted my professors and there are no major concerns about my academic performance in my classes. 

15. On Friday January 30, I saw The Crucible and I absolutely loved it. I saw it against on Saturday January 31. I saw it again on February 6. I saw it again on February 7. 

16. On Sunday February 1, I watched the Super Bowl and went to a Guilford party.

17. I have seen five episodes of Breaking Bad and in my opinion, it’s excellent so far. The show is extremely tense, it masterfully balances dark comedy with suspense and drama, it has a very conflict-heavy plot with so much suspense, great characters, realistic dialogue, and great performances. Breaking Bad is highly cinematic and it feels just like watching a film especially the scenes where meth is being cooked.  I am excited to watch the rest of the show! Every episode is laden with conflict!

18. On Saturday February 7, I turned 21 years old and I picked up my new iPhone 6 from the Apple Store. Angela took me to Five Guys for lunch. I saw “The Crucible,” at the Guilford Theater. I also played Bananagrams with Gray.

19. On Sunday night February 8, I celebrated my birthday with Laura and watched Mulan on Netflix with her. 

20. On Saturday Feb 7 and Sunday Feb 8 the weather has been beautiful, warm, and sunny.

21. On Saturday February 14, I watched “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” in the Hut with Laura.

22. From February 16, February 17, and February 18 there were two snow days.

23. On Wednesday February 18, I attended a Jehovah’s Witnesses meeting in the Hut for GCRO and I attended a Writing Club meeting headed by Gray. 

24. On February 18, I finally conducted my classroom interview with Aaron Graham and I conducted my classroom observation and I interviewed Kathy Gillespie. I used Uber for the first time and it was extremely reliable. 

25. On February 21, I attended the Mediation Seminar for Conflict Resolution and I developed my mediation skills, active listening, assertiveness, and tactfulness and improvisation and problem solving skills. I also learned about volunteer opportunities that are both excellent for me. These volunteer opportunities involve Special Education and teaching Conversational English. 

26. Georgie Bogdan proposed to me an idea for creating a Social Skills club to make socializing a more natural process and much less awkward. 

27. On February 26, the school closed and we had a snow day. I had a snowball fight for Gray and I spent the day relaxing. 

28. On February 27, I had a meeting with Georgie about the social skills club and she told me that she was going to connect with Alan Mueller and the Bonner Center. Angela told me about the Newcomer School.

29. On March 6 2015, I submitted my Critical Analysis paper for Nature Writing and I’m confident that I did well on the assignment. On March 5, I finished my Conflict Resolution midterm and submitted it. On Monday March 2, I submitted my Edu 202 paper. I will wait for the results! If I did well on the assignments that great!! If I didn’t do well on the assignments I will remain optimistic and discuss the assignments with the professor to see what went wrong and how I can make improvements. Ask professors “is it possible for me to make any revisions so that I correct my mistakes?” “Is it possible for me to take another shot?” Instead of responding defensively towards the criticism, be open-minded to the criticism and see the criticism as an opportunity to do much better in the future. The semester isn’t over yet and it won’t end in failure!! The semester will end with a 3.0 GPA, 3.10 GPA, 3.20 GPA, or a 3.30 GPA. You will achieve the A- or B+ or B in Education 202. You will achieve the B+ or B in Nature Writing. You will achieve the B+ or B in Conflict Resolution. You will earn an A in Career and Life Planning. You have achieved success before in your classes! The great news is that many highly successful people where diagnosed with learning disabilities but they went on to become highly successful. The great news is that you are fully capable of success and you’re not a failure or a loser. You have achieved personal development in motor skills, social skills, and my academic abilities. 

30. On March 3, I saw Greedy Lying Bastards which was a documentary about corporate greed and environmental destruction. 

31. On Friday March 6, Georgie from the Learning Commons informed me that she connected with the Bonner Center and Conflict Resolution Center about my Social Skills club idea and she will connect with Allan Mueller. We will have a meeting this coming week in her office

32. From March 6 to March 8 I attended WTH Con. 

33. On March 6, I attended the Opening Ceremony for WTH! Con. I watched two movies in the Bad Movie Room. I saw Troll and the beginning of The Island of Dr Moreau. I also went to the Anime Room and watched Megas XLR. 

34. On March 7, I went to the Bad Movie Room and watched the ending of Hercules of New York and Return of the Crater Monster. 

35. I went to a presentation by Jared Axelrod on Ressha Sentai ToQger and Existential Terror hosted by Jared Axelrod. 

36. I went to Photographing the Fantasy Future after Jared’s presentation which was hosted by JR Blackwell from 3:30 pm to 4 pm.

37. I went to the Blackwell and Morningstar Star About Games from 6 pm to 7 pm in he Leak Room.

38. I went to the Fire Faeries show and met a Ramona Flowers cosplayed

39. I went to the Geek Auction after Fire Faeries show. 

40. I went to the Dance after the Geek Auction. I talked a lot to Tiger Ward and I feel like we will be great friends. 

41. During the week, I attended a presentation for the Richmond Teacher Residency program and I am highly interested in the program. 

42. For my midterm grades, I got a B+ in Conflict Resolution but I have a C- in Nature Writing and a C- in Education 202. However the C minuses are only one grade and I will get much better over the course of the semester. I will finish Education 202 with a B, B+ or A-. I will finish Nature Writing with a B-, or a B. Fortunately, I am on top of the Reading Journal and I am close to 9 pages in my Habitation Journal.  Now I have thirteen pages in my Habitation Journal!!! My final grade in Conflict Resolution was a B+. My final grade in Nature Writing was a B-. My final grade in Education 202 was a C+ which is a 2.67 GPA.

43. On Friday March 13, I went to Hack and Hilary’s for dinner. I ate salad, lamb roast, and potatoes with cake and ice cream. I talked a lot with Roddy and his girlfriend Katie. I felt really happy after dinner. I felt a sense of excitement, enthusiasm, and euphoria. I got so excited that I spilled my drink.

44. On Sunday night and Monday night, I had dinner with Steve Vance and we had long discussions about folk music, Stephen Foster, Irish folk music, Jewish folk music, the current state of pop music, and film. 

45. On Sunday night, Dad returned from his Arizona trip and gave me a mug from ABQ New Mexico 

46. On Thursday, I had a great day. I had lunch with Sally Fasman at Paragon Thai. 

47. I went to a Split this Rock poetry presentation where the Iranian poet Sholeh Wolpe read her own poetry. I stayed in Washington DC from 12 pm to 10 pm which is 10 hours. I noticed how fast the time went by! For lunch, I had shrimp pad thai. For dinner, I had a combination of beef and braised lamb and cucumbers, tomatoes and onions, and onions. You will send Sholeh a Facebook message and congratulate her for her poetry presentation. 

48. On Monday, I was near the grocery store and I saw Eric Brooks from the Puppet Company. 

49. On Friday night, you had a cheeseburger at Five Guys with Eve. 

50. On Wednesday afternoon, I attended the Writing Group Easter meeting and it went excellently. Fortunately, Gray was really happy about how many people showed up to the meeting. 

On Friday evening, I went to the Pagan Coffee Meetup with Cat and Chris. 

60. On Tuesday night, I watched the spoken word poet Carlos Andres Gomez in the Frank Science Center and he was one of the nicest people I have ever met. I loved his enthusiasm and energy while he presented his poetry, I absolutely loved his passion when he read social justice poems about genocide. This man is fascinating because he was both a social worker and teacher in the inner city neighborhoods in New York City and his sister has dyslexia and she is highly imaginative. Carlos loved my energetic spirit, my enthusiasm, and my support of his work. I got a free CD of Carlos’ spoken word poetry and he signed his autograph. He wrote “Dear Zane, Thank you for your beautiful spirit. Love, Carlos” I laughed throughout the entire poetry reading 

61. On Wednesday afternoon on April Fools Day, I went to a career fair and a graduate school fair. 

62. On Wednesday night on April Fools Day , I want to a Guilford College Jazz Ensemble concert and I felt the most happy. I was bobbing my head to the music and I had so much enthusiasm and excitement. 

63. On Monday night on April 6, you went to a Dinner and Discussion meeting about Parke Puterbaugh, the former Rolling Stone Magazine journalist, travel writer, nature writer, and Rock History professor. 

64. On Friday night on April 10, you saw Daniel Habib perform at the Tate Street Coffee House.  

65. On Wednesday night April 15, I had a great tutoring session with Matthew Armstrong. Matt is like a combination of beatnik, hipster, and hippie and I love his laid-back attitude and how calm and patient he is. He helped me heavily with revision and I will hire him as a future tutor. 

66. On Thursday April 16, you had a great counseling session with Jocelyn and you learned Progressive Muscle Relaxation. You will get through the Spring semester!!

67. On Thursday night April 16, you submitted your Sense of Place essay for Nature Writing at 10 pm. 

68. On Friday April 17 you took a nature walk for Jim Hood’s Nature Writing class.

69. On Friday April 17 you went to the Holi Color Festival at the Lake to kick off Serendipity at 5 pm. 

70. On Friday April 17 from 7 pm to 8:30 pm you went to the Bonfire at the Lake. 

71. On Friday April 17 from 10 pm to 11 pm you went to the Reesa Renee Concert at the Alumni Gym. 

72. On Saturday April 18 I went to the Lakefest at Serendipity from 12 pm to 3 pm 

73. Serendipity this weekend has been excellent and it reminds me of why I love Guilford so much. 

74. I got my grade for my Nature Writing paper and I got a C+ on the paper. 

75. On Tuesday, I went to the Lit on the Lawn event and ate vanilla and chocolate ice cream. 

76. On Wednesday, I went to The House of York and it was excellent. It had excellent performances and I loved the historical authenticity of the War of the Roses. I left during the first act intermission. 

77. On Friday, I went to an international fair and had Ethiopian bread, noodles, rice and shrimp. 

78. On Saturday I went to the Celtic party and had Scotch Eggs, cabbage and potatoes, hot apple cider, and veggie pastries and the A Cappella Club did an excellent rendition of Scarborough Fair. 

79. On Sunday, I saw a jazz and chamber singers concert. 

80. On Monday I submitted my final paper for Education 202 and I got a C+ on the paper.

81. On Tuesday April 28, I submitted my final assignments for Career and Life Planning, I submitted my journal for Conflict Resolution and I submitted my Reading Journal for Nature Writing. You have eight assignments left!!

82. On Tuesday night April 28, I saw the Guilford College a cappella perform Friend Sings My Mind Showcase in the Choir Room. I loved their rendition of “Be Prepared”

83. On Wednesday night April 29 you watched “Wal-Mart The High Cost of Low Prices”. The documentary was a scathing critique towards Wal-Mart’s unethical business practices such as underpaying workers, failing to provide workers with benefits, environmental degradation, prioritizing profits over human needs, government subsidies, destroying competitors and putting small family businesses and mom and pop stores out of business and exploiting workers in China and Bangladesh. 

84. On Saturday May 2, I attended Shelby Smith’s Senior Recital at 4 pm in the Dana Choir Room. Shelby is an amazingly gorgeous soprano! 

85. On Saturday night May 2 at Tate Street Coffeehouse, I watched Carrie Paz, Colin Cutler and Taylor Briggs perform at Tate Street Coffeehouse. I had my favorite steak burrito bowl at Chipotle with corn, tomatoes, guacamole, and sour cream. 

86. On Sunday night May 3 I saw the Guitar Ensemble and String Ensemble perform in the Carnegie Room.

87. On Monday May 4, I submitted my quilt piece and final Education 202 paper. 

88. On Tuesday May 5, I submitted my Reading Journal for Nature Writing, my Career Portfolio for Career and Life Planning and my final paper for Conflict Resolution. 

89. On Tuesday afternoon, I went to the German Party by the Lake and ate bratwurst and potato salad and listened to oompah music. 

90. On Tuesday night, I sang along with the Guilford College A Capella Group. 

91. On Tuesday night, I watched the ending of Revenge of the Sith. 

92. On Wednesday night, I got coffee with Leanna Stead. 

93. On Friday night, I submitted my final exam for Education 202.

94. In my Conflict Resolution class, I met many awesome friends like Chris, Monica, and Melissa. 

95. On Saturday I had an excellent final presentation for my Conflict Resolution course. 

96. On Saturday night I finished my laundry and packed all of my clothes. 

97. On Sunday May 10 I returned home to Washington DC

98. On Monday May 11, I got a B- on my Nature Writing Habitation Journal and I got a B on my final Sense of Place essay 

99. On Tuesday May 12 I had steak for dinner but after dinner, I had gas from the steak and I had to go to the bathroom but I feel better now.

100. On Wednesday May 13, I took a nice walk in the neighborhood and I felt really happy today because of how sunny it was outside. 

101. On Wednesday May 13, I received two of my final grades and I earned a B- in Nature Writing and a B+ in Conflict Resolution and a C+ in Education 202. My current GPA is a 2.76 and I feel happy about the GPA. My cumulative GPA is now a 2.40. Honestly this was my second best semester. I want my GPA for next semester to be a 3.0, 3.10, 3.20, 3.30 or 3.45 

102. Spring 2015 was one of my greatest semesters because of the excellent grades I received and all of the new friends I made. 

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