Share Your Best Movies/documentaries/shows For Growth

Dan Arnautu
By Dan Arnautu in Personal Development -- [Main],
I'm gonna start: Interstellar (for expanding your mind and realm of possibilities) Unbroken (for persevering in the toughest times) The Theory of Everything (Love) The Imitation Game (learning about how the computer came to be) The Intouchables (how social status and any other superficial things mean nothing in your interaction with other human beings) V for Vendetta (sacrifice) 8 Mile (crawling your way up from point 0) Arrival (expanding your mind) Pumping Iron (inspiration to work towards your vision) Schindler's List (how one can make an impact on 100's of people's lives) The Intern (staying positive and active in old age) Hacksaw Ridge (willingness to make sacrifices for a cause you believe in with all your heart) Gandhi (treating all people like parts of yourself / the futility of violence) These are just a few. Let's hear yours.
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