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Signature Strenghts And Life Purpose / Ideas

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Currently I am stuck in a career path which I am unhappy with and have a 9 to 5 job which I find quite unfulfilling. Currently I am going through the life purpose course and have been exploring different options for starting my own business.

The last exercise I did was to find my find greatest strengths.

These are:

1. Love for learning

2. Judgement, critical thinking and open-mindedness

3. Modesty and humility

4. Caution, prudence and discretion

5. Creativity, ingenuity and originality

If someone's greatest strength is love for learning, the first thing that comes to mind is becoming a college professor. Unfortunately I am 32 years old, with a wife and a kid, which I have to support. At this point of my life, it is impossible for me to spend 5-7 years pursuing a PhD and producing almost no income at all.

I have been thinking on what type business could epitomize most of these strengths, but I have been unable to come up with anything so far.

Another thing is that the life purpose course focuses on you finding your strengths, but mentions nothing about weaknesses. One of my greatest weaknesses are my poor communication skills. I believe that almost any business that you are in requires some sort of networking or relating to other people in some sort of way.

I have been actively involved with toastmasters international during the last one year, working on this weakness and trying to improve myself. I do believe however that my progress has been rather slow.

I was hoping that you guys can give me some ideas. I slowly start losing hope...

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