Reply to How does your mind work?

Bazooka Jesus
By Bazooka Jesus,
Heh, that's a good one. All the time. I just don't take it serious anymore. Most people take themselves and "their" thoughts waaaaaaaayyy too serious; an this is what produces most suffering in the world imo. Taking yourself too serious leads to constant self-judgement (and judging others is of course just the flipside of that coin), which leads to misery. These days, whenever I do/think/say something "stupid", I just laugh about it like you would laugh about a silly joke and move on. (And believe me, there's a LOT of silly sh!t going through "my mind" at all times, lol.) Which doesn't mean that I don't get momentarily pissed every now and then, but that's just part of the joke! I always liked the way Alan Watts put it: Your attitude towards life can be sincere without being serious. Meaning that it is possible to be fully invested in life while at the same time being aware that it is all just a big game; and that which you call "you" is just a goofy character in the everlasting divine comedy. And yes, life can be a very black comedy at times, but it's a comedy nonetheless. And recognizing this is immensely liberating. Hence my signature.