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Everything posted by Theplay

  1. I thought It would be helpful to some so I post the third part of my little book. Part 3 - Other There is only one thing left to know after knowing yourself and reality. Other. The word itself is the knowledge. It is exactly you. But other. He is forever detached from you. And only one thing can make you know of the existence of each other: Love. Love is the connection between self and other. The way to know that other exists is exactly by knowing self and reality first. Self is silent static and unchanging. Reality is colorful dynamic and forever changing. So how can this be? It is because of love to other. Love is the greatest mystery in the world. I cannot explain how come it is possible. To have two completely disconnected self's love each other. But it is so. Or else there will be just a silent void. Reality is governed and made out of love. It is the only force and only substance. It can take any shape or form. What you experience right now is a love story. To stop loving is to stop existing. To love fully is to live truly. Love more each day. Love and be free. Let your love grow for infinity.
  2. I came across an interesting concept : {} = empty set {} = the all set at its beginning state containing nothing yet This is step one. Next step: {} = still the empty set { {} } = The all set now contains all that there is which is just the empty set Step three: { {}, { {} } } = The all set containing all previous variations. Step four: { {}, { {} }, { {}, { {} } } } = The all step containing yet again all previous variations. It is easy to see how this set grows and portrays all the natural numbers and gives each one a distinct description. for instance the number 2 is depicted in it as { {}, { {} } } and so on. Dint know where to post this but I think it might be interesting to some.
  3. Just recently I have written a short book consisting of three chapters: Self, Reality, Other. I wanted to share the second part with you. Part 2 - Reality Occam's razor is the view that the most simple explanation is to be chosen if a few theories are compared. But what if no explanation is needed? Is it not the ultimate conclusion to Occam's razor? Or the perfection of it? This is reality. If you take it all in. Just as it is. With no explanation what so ever. You are at ground zero. You are the closest to an explanation of reality that you can get. Everything makes sense. And nothing here to explain. What does an explanation do? How do we explain something? We break it into parts or say its a part of a bigger whole. We find causes to the situation we want to explain. We say this explains that. But what explains the explanation? At some point the mind is just satisfied. It reaches a point of understanding which needs no farther explanation. Why could we not reach that point without taking any steps? See reality as self explanatory. Why is it that the more complicated a theory of reality is the more the mind is satisfied? Because it is habitually accustomed to think and make ideas. When something is making it simply stop its habitual processes it denies it. As long as you keep using the mind to explain reality you will fail. You will only get lost in thought and concept. And when you think you have succeeded, all of your imagined castle will crumble because of a paradox or contradiction. It is simply because you are attempting the impossible. You try to satisfy a need and not get to the truth. The truth is simple. Reality as it is. No additions. No explanations. That is the theory of everything. No theory. Just. This.
  4. Suffering was what drove me most of all towards enlightenment. The buddha was said to seek the end of suffering. I can say from first hand experience that suffering can end. Because what suffers dose not exist. And what remains? It can and has been called many names. I prefer "Being". Leo calls it "Consciousness". Mooji calls it "Awareness" . You can call it what you want as long as it unifies and applies to all of experience. I don't talk about my awakenings much with anyone so I felt like sharing it here since I feel at home with other seekers.
  5. One of the things that had the most impact on my well being is ego death. I really want to know how to define ego. What it is. For me it was a sensation coupled with a thought. A sensation somewhere behind the eyes. And a thought : "this is me". I am really interested in how you guys view ego and what it appears as to you. Since I think enlightenment is much harder to reach then ego death. And ego death can help reduce a large amount of suffering. Thanks and have a good day!
  6. I was quite successful at removing most of my ego. And life still goes on. It's spontaneous. I don't feel like a zombie. Quite the opposite actually. Very good use of words. It does feel like something is being compressed to a specific location which itself is boundless. Its like the mind traps our sense of self in the body. The mind is the matrix. And Leo is Morpheus.
  7. @James123 That's not how I define it. That is where the confusion is I think. When I was Identified with the ego it was me/body/mind. What I'm identified with now cannot be spoken. And requires an awakening.
  8. @James123 Not in my experience. The fact that you no longer are identified with the false self does not mean you know your true self. The first can be a process. The last is spontaneous insight.
  9. @Breakingthewall What brings this center about? Its components if you will. Or the cause for its existence. Because from retrospection it is a very limiting and isolated experience and I wish to study it deeply. Not everyone can get enlightened but my point of view is that everyone can remove their ego.
  10. @Juan Very beautiful song! Thanks for sharing Yea death is a gift.
  11. Hi, hope your day is going well. I was wondering did anyone here got any enlightenment into the nature of other? It feels like its an even harder one than the realization of self. Will be very happy to hear from you guys.
  12. Beautiful answers thank you The way I see it now is based on something akin to Leo's infinity of gods awakening. Other is a telepathic communication of two completely separated realms. I just give you a form so it will be easier to have this communication. At the same time you give me a form in your separated and isolated reality. In your reality I might be a triangle , in mine you might be a squire. It does not violate solipsism since the avatar I'm having the communication with has no experience of its own. He is just a vehicle for this telepathic communication. Its very new to me so I might just be wrong at the end but those are my thoughts.
  13. I kind of knew that for some time now. But it shook me to my core today. There is only you. One entity to rule them all. It is absolute and total. The very fabric of existence is made of you. And this play we call life... Is a work of absolute genius. You have nothing to loose. So you made it look like you have something to loose. You have nothing to be afraid of. So you made scary scenarios. You are absolutely alone. So you made it look like there are others. You have Eternity to play with yourself. So... Enjoy
  14. At the beginning there are no rules or limits. The two options are: Ether something exists. Or nothing exists. Both must be the case since there are no rules/laws yet. Yet nothing is not an experience. Hence something exists.
  15. @Razard86 The only thing that exists is you. Reality is not made of nothing it is made of you. And you will exist no matter if there is being, experience or some other thing, or if there is no being, experience or some other thing.
  16. @Naturalist @r0ckyreed Reading your answers got me wondering. Maybe Life is both at the same time? And can you experience that both are the case in the same moment? Like a superposition of the two. I think the truth is somewhere in the middle. Like the perfect amount of something balanced by nothing.
  17. @Princess ArabiaWhen you are identified with ego the self gets lost in an illusion. When this bubble bursts you are always the same. I recently merged the final duality I had. Of the Self and the world. Also I believe Its the same self in every one of us. But Hindus knew that for a long time. I have zero effort in my experience. Like everything is just alive. And to move feels alive to me. That's why I move I feel so much bliss. Like our natural state is that. To exist is enough. Being itself Is blissful.
  18. @Yimpa of course I was not talking about the body. I did an experiment. My imagination is very strong but I rarely use it. So I just started Imagining things. What ever I want materializes instantly. It became so boring. After a few seconds of that I realized why we have limitations. Because true freedom cannot be without some structure. Without structure being is chaos. With some structure being becomes free. "Between here and there, I choose here."
  19. @Princess Arabia When you realize what you are you don't become something you were not before. You were always your true Self. As @Davino put it very nicely you just were not conscious of it. Leo said in one of his videos that the bad news is there actually no process that can get you enlightened. You can only increase the possibility. (quite dramatically in my experience) For me time is just a way to view motion. That's why the faster you move time slows down. There is a deep connection between the two. So I think time dose exist since motion exists.
  20. @Breakingthewall The player was never created. It is like the space that holds every experience. You are quite correct. The best description for him would be the void. If you remove everything that can be removed, you think you would be left with a blank. But you will be left with yourself. I'm not sure I got this question
  21. @LiquiDude As Alan Watts puts it: God is playing hide and seek with himself. The whole point of this play is to get lost and then find who you are again. So in a sense its the opposite: Awakening is the point.
  22. @Hojo Right! Its utterly mind blowing. Most of my meditations now are just focusing on god. I've heard Leo talking about immortality but thought he was just being cute and poetic. How crazy it is to realize you are immortal
  23. @James123 If you deny there is something pinch yourself.