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Everything posted by Ocean

  1. I agree it’s a distraction, if you want more i enjoy divine cosmos.com - purely for entertainment purposes. Things seem to heating up. For a more practical perspective, aliens would have the same consciousness as us, although with different knowledge and experiences. They might themselves be so locked into their own ego personalities that they don’t see the Truth of their connection to the all, while being nothing at the same time (depending which direction you focus on)
  2. @Max_V just get it bud. It dives into a lot truth view on things (his other joy), as it strips away things. I wouldn’t do it justice really. Get it in physical format so you can easily get reminders. If you end up playing with any sports and martial arts it will also help a lot. His long book (luckily i got the kindle version) of Not knowing is also interesting - it’s like a lengthy unbrainwashing chat. He’s like a Truth dude with a body focus background - hence why i recommend for folk on here.
  3. In my limited view, I feel movement and flexibility are more important. Especially focusing on the core and spine in terms of stretching and strengthening. Ido Portal (online dude) seems like a cool fella when it’s comes to playing with movement. He makes sense to me as I like body weight training and using the world as my gym. Peter Ralston’s Zen Body Being book is also a great perspective on how to use the body efficiently. Very worth the read and practice for everyone on here. Muscle growth should be the last thought really, it becomes a nice by-product of enjoying the body and if that’s the focus how big is big enough? The ones I know that focus on it and never content. Memory popped when I was about to write a quote and thought you best hear it in person. Nice to listen to it all but starts at 2:40 ish. All the best.
  4. Get born, Enjoy Life, Fall into Death Thankfully it flows, rather than cycles groundhog style. New creation is beautiful to experience, even the minor ones.
  5. @Leo Gura I miss that solid circle in many ways. Easy to play along. When it became that enso thing, everything lost it's structure
  6. I remember that feeling. It's very simple. Just create. As is everything. Stop. Go. Do. Don't. Be cool with you. Balance helps though, If you're about to consume something. Lets say a funny 20 min South Park episode or a 45 min show. Before you can watch it. Create that amount of times worth of anything. Create then consume. Use distraction, don't let it use you. If you look at the creative, successful human folk. They always work when they don't want too. If you don't have anything to say, paint or express. Fuck it, express that "I'm bored, what to say, etc. over and over and over and over and over....until....something new
  7. I love my ego for that matter...some of them I don't even want to physically attempt his nonsense so i'll write a novel where he can play things out that way. The joy of experience.
  8. It's only serious if you let it be. In my view he's challenging folk, which I'm cool with. Never stop moving. In some ways, so are you, in matters to you - energy and early death. What if living a full life (spiritual) is one full of passion of life in of its self no matter the appearance of random, beautiful, small aspects of it...getting a job, mate, hobby, whatever passion we seem to end up with. Consider you never read that article. More at peace, or limited and full or fear? "Until we know that death is equal to life, we live in fear." -- Byron Kati
  9. What if you’re creating your everything? Even lack! Loa is a bridge concept. You’re creating this forum, this problem, this question, this answer. For entertainment you want to trust in a concept which, strangely, you already are and doing every second. if you want something, act on it. If you want to question how to do it - you’ll keep questioning - and not acting. if you do it, you’ll do it. If a partner is super important, become the best partner that is so confident in themselves that they don’t even need one. Act on what you want with absolute no neediness and no security because of the joy.
  10. Read it brother, just too loaded, and creates limits and reinforces separation in a few ways - hence the original post and getting lost in the world of concepts and this discussion. I’m passionatly wrong in all the above posts anyway. There’s no really true way other than not knowing and rolling with that. I like challenging myself that’s all. Btw, Just saw your quote by BK at the bottom of your posts. How do play with that dichotomy? Oops. Sucked right back in
  11. If that’s what you believe, rock on and enjoy. It’s all part of the experience in the end. And you’re right, different sub section of discussion. Where are the references of the people who he’s talking about, general generalisation and a reason to keep talking in my fake view. How are you going to change because of it? Not be passionate about anything. What if I’m apparenrly passionate of being alive and existing just for the sake it. Guess I’ll die, which in strange way I’m kinda looking forward to...from a pure childlike curiosity angle. If you’re empty, centered, grounded or whatever concept that floats your boat and passion comes from that, not sure it’s really an issue, and honestly I both don’t know if that’s true and don’t care. I’ll bet it all comes down to seriousness. You can still be playful with seriousness of passionate endeavours. If you’re full on serious, I can see your point. In my experience people that are like that don’t get much back from life and might die (not always in the physical sense) in life because they’re in battle rather than a dance
  12. How is adopting those beliefs and loaded assumptions helpful in the first place? Any question you ask, look for the assumptions within it and question them, keep going and you’ll get to scary and peaceful place of not a fecking clue. Assumptions within: You Die/Time/Birth Some random outside yourself telling you something that’s true (including this post)
  13. It’s always fun attempting to explain something to the scientific crew. They observe their experiments usually through something, whether it’s numbers, microscopes or telescopes. Most can’t grasp that’s all second level. Themselves and knowledge (consciousness) are the first microscope. They would never work with a dirty lens to see things properly, yet most are happy to do so. The deeper they get in a field the more narrow it becomes. They also have to stay inside the paradigm unless they want to lose funding (food, shelter, family safety) and safeguard their social in group. Anybody that steps out, loses respect and is best avoided. Don’t rock the boat style. Nothing wrong with it per se- it’s a safety mechanism and keeps their joy and curiosity going leading to some cool descriptions of things. I do wonder what would happen if they became friendly with fringe and just enjoyed the ride of science rather than be so serious about things.
  14. Back in my self-help days I always liked the Lincoln quote, “If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I would spend six hours sharpening my ax." Working on yourself highlights the faults and issues in others usually. Best to ignore and fake you're okay. It's strange how no one complains about working on the body for health, yet find 'mind training' pointless and a waste of time. That tended to be my remark when someone slated what I was focusing on and it usually got a 'fair enough' agreement. As fun as it was (learning the many perspective and techniques of others for a happy and successful life). After a while I learnt that dropping things was the way go.
  15. Everyone is entertained in their own unique way Thinking one is enlightened, or can get enlightened, is part of the entertainment too. Self-help is entertainment. The list goes on. Why judge one over the other. Thoughts mainly. I can understand why many wouldn't want to get enlightened after the fact. No problems, no drama, so the entertainment shifts. Not saying problems and drama won't pop up - it's just that one knows its entertainment whereas so called others are too deep into theirs to notice. Maybe thats where that whole compassion comes in. I'm entertaining myself by posting here, even though i'm moving away from Truth by doing so.
  16. I don't mind using thoughts, over them using me. Pretend you're making the right decision. Just wait and see what you decide with childlike curiosity. What ever you end up doing is what you end up doing and be cool with it/let it go. I love conversations and thoughts with maya/ego/myself - it's the only person I'll ever truely pretend to know.
  17. Time is helpful, as is maya. Use it, just don't believe it. I'm always surprised about people and their birthdays and how the clocks change and no one bats an eye. If birthdays are so cool, why not have one everyday? Or a least a mid-way one. I guess i'm weird because sleep is like death and waking up is like birth. Memories help to keep things flowing.
  18. Asking leading questions such as the question in this thread Just Questions really - even before thought established itself mr and mrs caveman - right up to all the new technology soon to be created. All starts with a question (being curious)
  19. The relationship with the appearance of your ego/personality will change, yet remain. The relationship with the appearance of other ego/personalities will change, yet remain. This could go on a while, as everything in the experience is included. Our stories about outside are very noisy. Although playing semantics here, you will still have a general relationship with everything, including other folk knocking about. All relationships change once seen through, they kinda have to as the perspective it's coming from is radically different. Adjustment happens, best to find out first hand rather than speculate. Here's a new question/belief to focus on, how is my relationship to the original question distracting me? In the end its just like talking to yourself most of the time. Just like i'm pretending to do here here.