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Posts posted by UpperClassWhiteBoy

  1. So lets say someones a procrastinator. They shouldn't just procrastinate with awareness until enough pain is triggered (through failure and emotional trauma) that they stop permanently but instead should try to actively build their work ethic and thereby become aware during this process of the fulfillment of flow states of working thereby ending the previous habit of procrastination.  

  2. Is it a good idea to basically use this principal alone to create all change in your life? I do find it very hard to be constantly aware but possibly even harder to face fear by taking action. Can one just overindulge in unhealthy behavior (even if not addicted to said behavior) consciously to the point that they would never do it again and in fact would use their awareness of the unhealthy behavior to fuel positive actions acting opposite of  behavior. Is it worth it to "purposefully" fail so one can consciously experience this to the point they would never fail in that aspect again? 

  3. I wen to  a bhakti yoga session where I went to practice meditation in a group of about 15. The meditation consists of chant using the words hare, krishna, and rama in various orders. The words are purportedly  the most spiritually sound words. I did not experience any greater meditative experience at this session than I do listening to Leo's guided meditation exercise. The yoga leaders say that the words themselves have the power when saying them but I think that the power is just you focusing on the silence beneath the words once saying the words has become a subconscious habit.  

  4. Those who are enlightened have thus fully let go of their ego forever? What is the best way to fully surrender the ego? Tolle seems to think presence in the now primarily through inner body concentration, silence , and acceptance (don't really understand this one by the way) Leo believes self-inquiry, meditation and contemplation, so which is better if there is a better way? I don't really understand how one can question the ego away either?

  5. I have never been good with girls and have a fear of approaching although i have had a few successful sets. I constantly fear about it which is bad because it is distracting me from the present. I am a personal development newbie and I consider it a problem in my life. My concern about either to do it or not is based off the fact that i know another human being can't offer me fulfillment, so should I even bother? What advantages are there to having relationships?  

  6. Eckhar Tolle believes that to achieve enlightenment one must just practice staying present but Leo seems to be suggesting that one should use meditation, self-inquiry and contemplation to achieve enlightenment. Leo believes that the everlasting state of enlightenment is a random result whit Tolle believes that everlasting presence in the Now can make one enlightened. Is Tolle referring to enlightenment as a state of mind or an achievable result? Or is Leo just wasting his time instead of practicing presence for longer and longer spurts of time?