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Everything posted by charlie2dogs

  1. i didnt really notice any negative comment, yes you would feel much better with dirt under your feet and sun on your and face and experiencing the life force more deeply that is carrying your body
  2. you can use a netti bowl with a touch of sea salt and flush your sinuses maybe twice a day until it clears, if you are sensitive to the salt you can add a small amount of clear karo syrup in the mix, i have many times in the past when i had a breathing issue, used a 12 oz bottle with 1/8 tsp of sea salt and that is for both sides using the netti bowl. but learn how to do it, you can learn from utube, if you dont know how.
  3. one other question i ask, what is your justification for even existing, this question is to be answered without beliefs, without religions, without the words, books, and videos of other people.
  4. the 99.999999 % are too busy speculating about and assuming what enlightenment is from false belief systems, doctrines, false teachings, and newageism, rather than becoming enlightened. programing, false belief systems, warped perceptions of everything, is keeping the human identity trapped. until you understand that belief is nothing more than an assumption of knowledge and is never real, you aren't going any place other than the human identity. all belief will be dropped before you become enlightened.
  5. the human identity thinks it is the i, it is the it, the i is what is giving the body life, and 99.999999 % of human identitys are not, cannot experience that
  6. the legal system (the law) is nothing more than legal plunder, organized by law for the profit of the law and those that make the law,and those that enforce it, at the expense of the poor, and the working class who have not the means to fight this system of injustice, greed, corruption. No lawyer, judge, or anyone who works in this system is capable of integrity, and without integrity you are nothing more than an unconscious functioning human identity.
  7. when you return to your original state of being and function as that, all these issues will be gone.
  8. religions are nothing but cults, brainwashed people controlled by a false belief system, what more do you need to understand about religion.
  9. once you become self realized, you understand that all the stuff you thought you knew, was just nonsense. i have asked hundreds of people, how do you know when what you think you know is real, i have yet to get an answer. the human identity cant answer that question.
  10. it will work if you do it and stay with it, i have proven it many times in my life, even with money
  11. you could think too much, and trying to live in a future that doesnt exist wont help you when you need change now.
  12. if its been up since 2007 and only has 5 subscribers i think i would just forget about it.
  13. can you define that god that gave me my mind ?
  14. you are still the sheep mikey, and the divine comedy is part of the sheep mentality.
  15. do you want this dream of the human identity to be controlled by others or yourself???
  16. you will learn many hard lessons without an education, what everyone else is doing should not determine what your life is going to be. time is a human construct, you wont get left behind. I am 71 i have read thousands of books, i am a speed reader, with a photographic memory, i dont read much today because i learn from a more reliable source today, and i deal with realities now, where i used to live in illusions and function as the identity body. get all the education you can, while you can and put it to use while you are young, it may mean a better life, and as you travel this path give a certain amount of time to awakening from the dream of the human identity, and this holographic world around you. i say this because it could be a very long time before you fully awaken from this dream and what happens during that time might mean a better life. this isnt important to a lot of young people but when the struggle and the pain of the struggle comes, it will be important then, and the time and opportunities to get ahead may have passed you by. do it while you can.
  17. jes if studying is important enough to do, it is important enough to be positive about, just drop the negative belief, it is holding you back, and if the studying isn't important then why are you doing it, the alternatives to getting a good education for a young person is not good in this world today. many become victims because of a lack of education. this should be an incentive to do and be your best and drop any beliefs about studying, or simply drop the studying and take your chances in the world. you know what the right answer is here dont you?
  18. i normally don't tell people to use affirmations but i think it would help you, and do it as often as you can, it don't have to be for long periods, just try to create an intense desire and make the mental picture as real and in detail as you can, these will have an affect.
  19. if you are going to meditate, see yourself in this meditation, and see yourself as you want to be, create it in detail, create a desire for it , and do this for a little while, there are two conditions to having most anything, being able to hold it in the minds eye, and maintain a desire for it, consciousness will do the rest. the more intense the desire the faster it happens
  20. what i told you was forget about meditation, make everything you do your meditation by being in the moment with it, present, and aware in that moment. work at that, that is the key that opens the door to your core being, just being able to be in the moment, and be present and aware is enough.
  21. actually you dont need meditation to do that, make everything you do a meditation, by forcing your self to be present and aware in that moment ,in the beginning it take some work to be in the moment because we are not accustomed to being there, we are caught up in the physical body, the human identity. basically be one with the moment. when that happens there is nothing else but your core being experiencing what has arisen in the moment, your physical body wont be in the play.
  22. i understand you, but that line only exist with the human identity, and even dissociation is an identity thing. im talking about moving beyond all that
  23. your first sentence was the right one, if you had stopped there, you would have been spot on. If you want to practice anything, work at being aware and present in the moment, that will take you to the finish line, the rest is just distractions. dont even seek spiritual enlightenment it does not exist, there is nothing spiritual about enlightenment. live in the moment in a conscious awareness and being present, this is enough, functioning in the moment connects you to your core being, your core being is what you must function as to achieve self realization. when you function in the moment of now you are not doing it as a human being, it has to be done by your core being to mean anything.
  24. dissociation will fail eventually, it takes a transformation of the human being from the human identity to a being of consciousness which is their true and first estate.