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Everything posted by noticeom

  1. @impulse9 Thanks for the response! This is honestly how I've seen it for years.
  2. Would love to hear what Leo has to say about bringing awakenings into everyday life, and living as your deepest realized nature.
  3. The "spiritual impulse." personally this is what brought me to pursue deeper truths of reality. The only way I know how to describe it is a curiosity of a deep unknown mystery. It really is like an instinct rooted in true nature.
  4. You also have to consider that the ego (personal identity) is kind of an essential tool for life. You need it to be a functioning human. But as Adyashanti once said; "There's a difference between ego as identity, and ego as function." So I personally wouldn't think about it like this.
  5. The point of enlightenment is Truth. Thats really it. Everything else is a nice by-product. Just depends on how badly you want the truth.
  6. Hey! Here's how I used to think of this. Personal growth is like striving for positive change. And spiritual growth is like learning to be content with what already is. After I had a few awakenings myself I experienced these as totally separate. But as I went deeper and my realizations matured I experience it all as one big thing. there is no fundamental self. But we can still embrace our own humanity ya know? And always try to be the best person you can be.