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Posts posted by History

  1. This was known for years outside of this forum. This article brings old news to the mainstream, that's it.

    Everybody knows that Leo is pushing people to off themselves. He even said it himself that if he wanted he could have 100's of bodies by now. But he does have 100's of bodies, they're just not tied to him. Tons of people died of 5-meO-DMT and other hardcore drugs he pushes in his videos.

    Not to mention his nihilistic approach and the hyper-glorification of death.

    Leo kills through videos, he's a new-age serial killer.

  2. I've experimented a lot with psychedelics and i had a few glimpses of the infinite but nothing comes close to the level of fun that can be had with remote viewing and remote controlling.

    Yesterday i hijacked myself into a deer and went off the road at a key moment to cause a fatal accident killing 2 people, the driver and the passenger.

    The funniest thing is "Snapping out" of the RC afterwards and waiting to hear the news the next day while having a morning cup of coffee while rubbing one out ..

  3. She's a devout christian who goes to church everyday and prays whenever she can. She has a very good personality and gets along with pretty much anyone.

    Now yesterday she told me that she would have slept with over a 100 guys if it was not for Christ.

    Also another thing, we do have sex and i did ''remove'' her virginity but she feels guilty every time we have sex and she goes to confess at least once a week.


    So i'm kinda confused. I am really that special in her eyes that she breaks her spiritual vows every time we have sex or is there something else going on in her mind?