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Posts posted by MotivatedByMusic177

  1. I would have to say his videos are a tool for my development and his evolution video is exactly where my growth is leading and many things he explains I've expierenced such as not knowing how common mental health is and I do suffer from it and arrogance by cutting through bs or the technical info by growing faster cuz its distracts me. My opinion is the video is a great example in teaching conscious leadership. 

  2. I've been on a spiritual journey with learning about my mind and my level I'm at with self development. I've learned ive accomplished many achievements to figure out where I'm heading in life. I wanna either start a new life or keep focusing on society as a important step to not get distracted with social norms. I do have lots of problems but I'm learning to let it go but my next obstacle is to take on the challenge that im god and that i'm in control.