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Everything posted by Onemanwolfpac

  1. Get a sifu, sensei, teacher, etc to actually work with. Then, do the work. Lots of self study. My mate, he went to a ayahuasca tea ceremony and a past life regression retreat. Too much, too fast, and too soon. He hit bottom and got stuck in a bardo.
  2. Its pretty dead at this point. All content is scrubbed. There's subs online and most don't talk to girls or get laid. They pirate everything. Keyboard warriors. Everyone wants a boost or upgrade. The best thing i found was working sales and putting myself through school debt free. Salary + commission gig part time. Full time school. I learned social equity and I understand buying temperature. Following pandemic, I highly recommend it. You still have to engage in general but most don't do that.
  3. My point is that. You or i DON'T KNOW. But victim card. Cnn hit piece. More race baiting. Adrenaline dump. Fight or flight. Worse, you have a job to do, and you kill or be killed. In that scenario, he is alive. Paralyzed. I would have shot the scumbag. I feel zero sympathy for the wise guy who uses a stun gun on cops to only get himself killed. Red foreman saying dumb ass comes to mind. Unfortunate that it comes to do this but again, mainstream narrative is unarmed friendly black man gun down. There's a tik tok vid where cumo rants on cnn and in the backgrounds, Wendy's burns down. Peaceful protest as chaos ensues. Imho, its Democrats doing everything to win. If they lose, they will play the victim card 4more years and impeachment 3.0. Even if moderate, it is appalling seeing the level of the insanity and corruption. Its a smokescreen for actual news. What of the Clinton's emails? What of Epstein being Iced? Who was at the island and what dirt is on people? WHO lied. Its all one big circle jerk. I think we all need to go Meditate now. Brb
  4. It puts into perspective that, marijuana is bad until government taxes it. Interesting! You get arrested for counterfeit money but government can print off all kinds forcing inflation. The system is not perfect but we're seeing academia raising the bar for Asians who do exceptionally well. Education particularly in stem is important, pays well, and the bar is raised because of being Asian which is racist just because of affirmative action. If we were to check bank accounts for those looting and rioting, which of these citizens majored in stem? What am i to imagine that there bank accounts look like? How about the woman who deficated on the cop car, covered in tattoos? A good way out of poverty is education and not majoring in stupid shit. Slinging drugs and living in squalor is not a good thing. Its not about weed. Its person A thinks they hard and person B is hard who shoots person A taking their money and drugs. The idea of defund police when the following is going on is the height of stupidity. The people saying defund aren't majoring in stem and likely couldn't at gun point. As in, not intellectually capable. The woman pooped on a cop car definitely lack the capacity for a stem degree. Reform is needed but for actual change, it starts on a individual level. There's far too many sheep. Mainstream media is abysmal in perpetuating the problems. The more reliance on government, the worse it will be.
  5. The problem is much simpler. The addition of government intervention has wrecked the community. The removal of fathers, the destruction of the nuclear family, murder within the community, abortion, crime, and a variety of other things are the issues. It is intellectual dishonest to blame the cops for the problem in the community. The intervention by government has destroyed the community.
  6. Mainstream media rants on cnn about "peaceful protest." There's no amount of money worth that risk. I wish he shot first. I would have.
  7. Your not a cop. You will tuck yourself in bed tonight comfortably. Myself too. A cop may not. What for? 60k? Are you kidding me? If you or your bf were caught in the riots, with a split sec decision, i bet he is pulling the trigger. Again, i wouldn't hesitate for a a sec to protect family, friends, loved ones or myself. People are people who all have consequences. You cross the line, there is going to be fallout. I was at a ACIM group before pandemic. They deemed everything coming down to love. Naive imho. I had a scenario where a person tried to attack my family. I had a split sec to handle the situation. The ACIM group are very sweet old ladies but if the riots came they are road kill. A lot of people will be sadly. The dude got launched. No hesitation. The situations happen fast. Spiritual life or practice notwithstanding. If you want peace, prepare for war. I pray i never have to be in the situation but again, I won't hesitate for a sec.
  8. 22? You have your whole life to settle down. Download hinge, tinder, bumble, and others. Start chatting up girls. Learn to code. Get muscles. Suddenly, you start dating a lot. You begin having more selection. You have a life that isn't about just a gf. You have night and day. You have separation. You were single once. Here you are again. OWN IT. There is no greater time in mankind to be single. The opportunity and options are endless assuming you do something about it. You can start Leo's purpose course. You can do courses online. You can start exercising from home. You can learn meditation and a new language. Embrace the pain but transfer it to training, lifting, getting muscles, and a ideal life. At 22, I was partying and Dating lots. Msn and MySpace was a thing. Fb too. If i had settled then, i would likely have baby mamma drama and a divorce. I wasn't ready. Hell, I am still not. Link up with your boys. Never ditch friends and family because of a gf or wife. Get out with your buddies. Test the waters. I met a girl at a dog park. I met two more post workout at the park. I met another running a circuit. She invited me. Assuming you use the time wisely, it will be the greatest defining moment of your life. The choice is yours.
  9. I enjoy solitude yet i am extroverted. I have spent ages on self development and becoming a better person. My situation in life has improved. I have no problem making friends or dating. I enjoy solitude, meditation, nature, reading, and sleeping. I also enjoy partying, dating, sex, and a number of group activities. There's nothing wrong with you. You can be a introvert. You can become more social though, your baseline will likely be introverted. Good luck. Enjoy your journey.
  10. Censorship pisses me off. I want to know things. If someone is a racist or evil, they reveal it. The more common forms of censorship is conservatism and any traditional values. It is documented extensively that if you vote republican, you will be suspended more often than a democrat. Tim Pool on JRE called out twitter and on his youtube. I don't partake in twitter and I avoid news. I have been avoiding social media more and more. The cancel culture consists of Karen and victim card. Its very appalling. I try to avoid it. I hope youtube and other companies that censor due to political bias slip off when alternative platforms are available.
  11. I would never do this job of police. If I were a cop, i would want to be going home to my wife and kids. PERIOD. I don't care what color, race or culture. I have a split sec decision to make in a instant. If for one sec, someone comes after my family, friends or myself, they are dead. No hesitation. I am currently reading Path to God by Ram Dass. I have no idea how long it will take to resolve the issue but if some more resists arrest and fires off a stun gun, the cop had every right to fire. If you play with fire, you will get burned. There's vids from the past where someone from BLM is taken to a mock cop scenario. The outcome was 99% the dude fucked up. He was either shot or killed some wrongfully. The mock scenario illustrated how tough the scenario is. Floyd is a messed up situation. The leo vid is not. And surprisingly more businesses is burning. The military is going to be called.
  12. I got a invitation to a party at a mansion nye. I got a invite to meet a monk who is now my friend. I have met girls who know other girls. It turned into dating, flings, relationship. As I get older, i make friends. I enjoy it despite being a extroverted introvert.
  13. Exactly. If I was in America particularly where insanity is going on, I wouldn't hesitate to use a gun. It sucks too. I am reading Path to God by Ram Dass and I wouldn't hesitate if my life or the life of my family was in danger.
  14. No clue what any of that is. I read power vs force. I suspect somewhere in there? Thanks Doc! Cuckoldry seems to be normalized in our culture. I have absolutely nothing to do with that or involve myself with anybody like that. It is a fantastic way to approach life as a bachelor. I have the choice to choose. There's a old Dr House tv show where he says the stat on cuckoldry. At the time, I thought, what an asshole. Granted it is a tv show but as time goes on, he seems to be right on the money with that stat. More appalling is the amount of people who deem cuckoldry as "mistake." I can't say the relationship died. It never started.
  15. 100%. Poly would be a conscious decision on both ends whereas cheating is cowardice. The need to have fallout LTR while out pursuing. I am put off by cuckoldry termed a mistake. Girl tripped and feel on a dick isn't reality anymore than me falling into a vjj. Its intellectual dishonesty. As for thread starter, I would do like South Park. Cast the relationship a drift. I am not a fallout person when the experiment goes terribly wrong. I advise you to do the same. It sets a terrible precedence by always being there. There's a barrier to entry. Certain expectations and prerequisites. Take a step back. Let the dust settle. The sec boundaries are crossed, i eject, and as Leo stated, it died. No contact. It dead. Over. Gone. What then? Live a great life.
  16. Of all the kleshas, Dvesa (aversion) is what I dual with most. Try reducing. Learn to put your energy towards something. Sex especially casual sex is addicting and fap is a shitty substitute as is porn. I cut out porn. My engage with interaction has gone up. Not banging chicks? Why? Outside of ascetic practice, I don't understand what you are saying? I eliminated porn because it is not that ideal experience. At least sex be it casual or other is a experience more productive than porn. The problem is aversion. I cut porn. I still fap. I love the money shot lol. The thing about fap and porn, it is delusional in assuming you are not in a state of inaction. Accept where you are now. It is delusional to deny it. I battle aversion too. Attachment to being unattached. Think about it. I duel with the thought of monogamy, marriage, and commitment entirely. It seems counter to me given the world we live in, what i see of commitment, LTR and marriage (Nevermind divorce and broken homes). I am reading Paths to God by Ram Dass. It feels like hypocrisy a lot of the time. I want to hump everything. I acknowledge that it is counter productive to my purpose and life path. I have something to accomplish and i have a biological desire to engage. I have learned to direct the energy to sex, to training, yoga, mma, lifting, and of course my purpose. Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow rich mentions sex transmutation. Similar to Freud, States all energy is sexual (essentially to give or create life). Anything but is a failed attempt and poor substitute.
  17. Thanks. It was a excellent read. It is fascinating to know Marcus struggled with stoicism and did one heck of a job. I think the times need more stoicism since its not in our nature. More evident in the west and in the culture atm. Thanks for the video.
  18. Cut out porn. YouTube fitness faq. The kid is a maniac. Gymnastic rings is a ideal way to get your workout done in with the gym closed. I have gone super sayain. If anything, it sounds like over thinking it. I have a similar problem with thinking someone is awesome. I hookup and then I see red flags after. I met a girl out randomly not from apps. We hooked up. After, its revealed that there's irreconcilable differences. She was a radical feminist, SJW, prone to activist activity wanting government to give handouts while actually doing nothing, rants about patriarchy, white privilege, and a walking victim card. No sex is worth being around someone like that. It was like being around a black hole. At least i had the experience and i don't wonder what could have been? I know and it was repugnant. This was not the first time but, I am a bit older than you so, I am sure you will have your stories too. I have had a shift in focus. Purpose is my priority. I have little time to waste. It is our most precious commodity. You are your only constant. I advise focusing on what you want. Purpose wise. Your life path. Hero with a thousand faces by Joseph Campbell is a good read. The architecture of the hero's journey is a constant theme throughout the ages. What is your story? Conquer the dragons. The mistake in the west imho is the assumption that the battle is external. The first thing to conquer is internal. Socrates said "know thy self." Start here. The rest will follow. Something will shine and catch your attention when you are ready.
  19. Agree to disagree. The term is cuckoldry and its becoming common practice in LTR and marriages. Nobody with self respect would tolerate it. There's a difference in a LTR and a fwb. A mistake is what a child does on a test. Deeming cheating a mistake removes ownership and accountability. This is why why values are so important. Commitment with someone who thinks cuckoldry is ok is absolutely ridiculous to me. I really enjoy bachelor life in the modern era.
  20. Parts of America are turning into Detroit or worse. Defund police is a highly uneducated slogan. People want Haiti to be America.
  21. I am reading Path to God by Ram Dass. It is a excellent read. To answer your question, i don't know what the solution is. Nonaction isn't a solution since parasitism is the first thing masses gravitate towards. Ignorance is bliss. I didnt know about the riots or protests for a long time. It was a better place to be.
  22. Is makeup manipulation? Spanx? Sports bra? Flirting? Everyone, male or female is looking for a edge. TBH there's a fine line between persuasion and manipulation. I worked in sales ages ago and I crushed it. I learned a lot from people and human psychology. You can't make someone buy something they don't want the same way you can't make someone like you. What helped me in dating and in sales was spotting time vampires. I am a closer. I always go for the close. There's a way you can read buying temperature in people because the customer is already interested in the product. You don't need a song and dance. It interrupts your flow to close other sales. Dating isn't different. You are selling your self. Not everyone is buying. You can put your best foot forward. Even then, some people are not interested which is fine. The annoying thing is time vampires. Avoid at all costs. In sales, scarcity is used to close. There's a sale but there's a time line. Again, the same follows with my time. I have no time for drama, flakes, ghosting, and any nonsense. Unsure of how old you are? I put myself through college working part time in sales. No student loans. Hourly + commission on sales. I have acquired people skills and ita transferable in other areas of life. I highly recommend it. I heed caution. There's a lot of snake oil salesman. Lots of gurus be it business or Dating. You have everyone selling you products on how to sell. They don't have a product. They sell you how to sell. Tai Lopez is a classic example. You get bombarded by these type of characters on YouTube all the time. Of course, everyone is rich, has millions of dollars, lambos + a harem of attractive women who are clearly on payroll but no mention of that. Lots of snakes. The majority of the info sold is free in a book. The same goes for the dating stuff.
  23. How is your diet? Sleep? Fitness is huge. Cut porn. Do some meditation. Lift. Read content for your purpose and path in life. There's a lot of gym-cels. Guys who lift, don't date, and are obsessed with needing to be bigger or less body fat because they think its a barrier to entry. I can't stress enough that importance of health, fitness, and lifestyle. What are you prioritising atm? What do you want?
  24. I think some people will change. I follow Dave Ramsey who beats to death a emergency fund. Not running to the government to save me + takeaway my freedoms. I think that it will change some people in dating. I notices men and women responded very differently. I think most of the world was caught with their pants down. I think after, people are back living in blissful ignorance, and yolo. Others are going to be prepared. Covid is nothing compared to bio weapon or how bad things could have been. It shows how poorly prepared our leaders, government, community, and myself was. I didn't have months of foods, a series of guns, ammunition, and a plan to assimilate a tribe if shit went bad. I will prepare for the future. I hope others will to.