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Posts posted by kmd2020

  1. You could call it a collapse of perceived meaning in life... an unraveling of everything you thought you knew... a deep dive and exploration of your deep sense of meaningless... 

    Sometimes it is initiated intentionally, but unless you are working with a mystic or another teacher you (like me) probably came to this dark place from an unexpected event. The death of a loved one, some type of disaster, a break up... suddenly the meaning you had given to your life collapses. I've read that going through this time feels similar to depression, although it is not the same thing, just similar symptoms. There is a deeper more meaningful experience at work, it beckons you to question everything. It feels very spiritual. Some people may experience more than one dark night in their lifetime.

    I am told that on the other side of this lie better days than you could imagine. That everyone must go through this for awakening. You must make it through the dark forest to get your treasure. Mine has been brought on by the end of a relationship that technically hasn't even ended yet. I can feel it coming. I am already here though, in the darkness, running blindly and feeling so scared. This feels like the darkest time i've ever experienced, but something in me knows it's necessary. Nothing has meaning. This relationship has taken me to rock bottom and the fact that we've broken up several times before pushes me deeper. I'm left with nothing, everything is meaningless. He is the love of my life, and I have to let him go. I have to go on my own journey and face my fears of being alone.

    I'm looking to connect with others going through this time as well, for support, advice... just a friend who understands.