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Posts posted by Jarredmercuri

  1. Being a vegan..

    Morality simply does not exist. I kill insects every day by eating healthy; think of all the pesticides...

    To stay alive you must harm other creatures.

    I once thought that if I eat a piece of streak I would have to suffer for that “sin”

    Ps I am pretty much vegan still.

    Being a glutten doesn’t help my survival.


    I will now embrace my devilry. It’s who I am pretending to be anyway. Why not have fun? 


    Now I don’t mind eating meat. It’s very tasty. 


    What I am basically saying is it doesn’t matter how morral you try to be you are still killing things. 

    Plus being a devil is fun. Being wicked is a good life in my opinion.



    Like there is like no difference me squashing a bug or a human.. Really there isn’t: they both have a nervous system. Why discriminate because of size?


    I’m not saying I am now going to be a phycopath now; that doesn’t help my survival in 99.9999% of cases.


    I am now becoming more orange every day!


    I love having healthy interactions with people that beifit me and it makes me happy seeing smiles too. 

    Why be green? When there is sex cars and nice houses? 

    I am Yellow too. 


    The Universe is infinite.



    I’ll be a devil here and there must exist a good me somewhere else.


    Wheres the harm? 


    This is just a belief. 


    Thank you readers. Please reply so I can know more.. :)