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Posts posted by Newbie

  1. Thanks for your replies. I really didn't mind the cleavage thing I can see where he was coming from there but it kept getting more strict. I mean obviously there is a line of being respectable to your other partner. I believe so at least. Tonight's fight is about the fact that he has never bought me flowers or been romantic. He says he didn't have the motivation because I didn't reciprocate the little things in the beginning. Plus he has felt in the past with other girls the need to be romantic, but with me he doesn't and the one time I bought lingerie he didn't think I was sexy. Compilation of all of those things got me upset and I cried. And he said I had no right to cry or be upset because it was the truth blah blah blah. So I broke up with him. But he won't leave my apartment. I don't feel the energy to deal with the drama so I'm in another room. Crazy I never thought I would be one of "those girls" but here I am. So thanks for your support it means a lot. I feel really pathetic for being as old as I am coming here with my relationship drama that is so childish and something i thought I was way beyond. Thank you!!!! (Of course this is one sided and he has his side too, I'm far from perfect) 

  2. My boyfriend is very controlling when it comes to how I dress. Can't wear shorts too short (not even close to showing ass) no cleavage at all. Not allowed to show my back (tank top) or bra straps. So basically just no tank tops even thick ones that don't show cleavage. Cant wear a full lenght summer dress if its too tight. It's always a huge fight. Not allowed to have any padding or push/support in my bras. Basically for the last week in 30 degree weather I've been wearing jeans and long sleeved shirts (can't be too loose that if I bend over anything could be seen, even if I would always keep that from happening.) His argument is that 1) what other reason would I have to show cleavage or shorts than to have other men look at me. 2) how would I feel if he had under wear that made his dick look bigger and wore pants that showed the top of it. Personally I don't have an issue with the cleavage thing. I don't need to have my boobs hanging out to feel sexy and I get that I don't 100% agree but I can handle that. But the shorts as long as they aren't showing my actual butbutt cheeks or do if I bend over I don't see the issue and the no tank top or bra straps is a little too much for me. Honest opinions. I personally feel Its important to feel good. He cares about his looks and looks at himself before he leaves the house etc. And I'm far from an exhibitionist. Like I would personally not wear a shirt showing cleavage and short shorts at the same time. One or the other I'm ok with but I don't like to show too much skin anyway. How can I get him to see it's over the top ? 

  3. On 6/6/2018 at 3:34 PM, InfinitePotential said:

    Imo, from experience and unreasonable amounts of research, the most effortless way to lose body fat is to go on a "ketogenic diet". Eat high fat, moderate protein, and very low carb. This mimics a lot of the effects of fasting... forcing your body to dip into its fat stores and use them for energy. Kills tf out of your appetite and also cleans tf out of your body. Plus you get to enjoy some euphoria and boundless energy.

    Combine this with a sensibly healthy overall lifestyle (stay active, relax and manage stress, get nature, get good sleep) and fat loss becomes reasonably effortless.

    Check out for more info.

    For optimal body composition, include some "carb up" days, where you deplete your glycogen stores through exercise then eat high carb, moderate/high protein, and low fat. Will get your muscles popping ;).... Totally optional and not necessary for fat loss.

    Good luck with whatever approach you take.

    I've been on keto for 4 months now. Went from pressing the snooze button for an hour and dragging myself out of bed every morning at 830. To waking up without an alarm clock at 6 am every day. Feel great. Lose weight reasonably fast. And has completely changed my mindset on food and health. Stay under 20 net carbs a day (carbs - fiber). Also helps a lot with hunger. Starting out it's easiest to just worry about carbs. Once in ketosis concentrate on your protein and fat intake. (Also Google fat bombs). And other macros like calories etc.