Leo's Blog: Infinite Insights — Page 35

August 18, 2022

A really interesting, eye-opening, and grounded look into how intelligence agencies work:

I love how down-to-earth and realistic Andrew is.

Great choice of interview subject by Lex. Where'd you find this guy?

August 17, 2022

It's good to know that at least one honorable Republican still exists in Congress — (unfortunately, soon out of power). Serious credit to Liz Cheney for not selling out to MAGA depravity. This is what healthy conservativism looks like:

A beautiful example of What Is Integrity?

For all of Dick Cheney's failings, he did not fail in raising a good daughter. Note: you don't need to like Dick Cheney to appreciate what Liz Cheney did here.

Note: I see many progressives get this point wrong, unable to give Liz credit because they are blinded by their hatred for Dick Cheney and the Iraq War. Also, I'm well aware of Liz's voting record. She voted with Trump something like 90%+ of the time, which is shameful from my perspective. But this does not undermine her valor in the face of MAGA. Conservatives are going to exist. That's not the issue. The issue is whether they are healthy vs toxic people. I see progressives holding this childish idea that for a politician to be praiseworthy they must be a progressive. This is wrong. There are healthy and unhealthy manifestations of conservativism, and healthy forms of it need to be encouraged, otherwise we exacerbate polarization to toxic and unworkable levels. You need to be able to praise the good actions of your political opponents when they behave in conscious ways. This is exactly why I made this post, because you won't hear this from progressives, because they are too busy hating on anything non-progressive. Progressives shirk responsibility for how they contribute to toxic levels of polarization. Yes, conservatives are worse, but progressives are not innocent. I'm showing you the difference between a Tier 2 vs a Tier 1 approach to politics.

Today, American democracy is in peril because conservatives like Liz Cheney are nearly all extinct, given way to shameless levels of demagoguery, dishonesty, and bias. Today's conservatives have lost their moral core in a desperate deal with the devil to maintain their clutch on Spiral Dynamics Stage Blue/Orange in a 1st world evolving rapidly towards solid Green. Trump's profound lack of integrity has had a radioactive effect on the Republican party, which will be the most damaging and dangerous part of his legacy. This is what happens when you sell your soul to the devil for power, money, sex, and fame.

America will not have a functioning democracy until we reestablish a healthy conservative political wing, which will probably take a decade or more. But who will dare lead that effort?

Thank you Liz Cheney. You inspire me to be more integrous.

Integrity — it's a bitch.

August 16, 2022

August 11, 2022

Some Blade Runner-inspired contemplation music:

I got a new 4K TV recently — Samsung's 75" The Frame — after living without a TV for 7 years. I mostly got it to display HD art, but I figured since I have it I might as well watch some films in HD. So I watched Blade Runner 2049. The TV's design is exceptional, BTW. Truly a work of art. But anyhow...

Blader Runner's story isn't so great, but such beautiful world-building and jaw-dropping cinematography. The best part of the film was K's relationship with Joi. I wish they fleshed that out a lot more rather than focusing on the lame replicants. This scene in 4K is just a work of art:

I watched this scene on 5-MeO-MALT and it blew my fucking mind.

"I want to be real for you."

What a line! What a genius scene.

August 11, 2022

Adam Savage, of Mythbusters fame, was a prop-master in Hollywood for 20 years. I like him as an example of how to find a very unique niche / purpose in life. Hope this inspires you to find yours:

Imagine prop-master & tinkerer as your life purpose? Wow!

He has a cool YT channel too. Check it out. He seems so happy in his niche. It fits him like a glove.

August 4, 2022

A brilliant opening scene. They don't make 'em like this anymore:

"You see thee snake, Billy? The ultimate evil."


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On a serious note, What is the weapon against evil?


AKA, Love.

August 2, 2022

This is a powerful resource for those of you who have trauma to heal. Here's how you heal all trauma in a nutshell:

It's worth watching this entire series as it can transform your life.

Credit to forum user @Ulax for sharing it.

Again, trauma healing is not the focus of Actualized.org, but if you got trauma to heal — and many people do — you should address it because it will hold you back from accessing the advanced stages of development that Actualized.org is focused on.

You might wonder, "But Leo, if trauma is so common and so important, how come you don't cover it more?", to which the answer is simply: I'm interested in higher things. Curing world hunger is also important for self-actualization — it's hard to self-actualize when you're hungry — but I'm not interested in that. That's someone else's domain. Actualized.org is not supposed to solve every problem in your life. Be careful if you expect that.

August 1, 2022

This is an excellent piece of journalism which showcases how corruption works and why Russian political influence is so toxic around the world:

As you can probably tell, I'm extremely fascinated by the topic of corruption. That's because studying it reveals deep insights into the nature of self-deception, selfishness, bias, truth, etc.

Corruption is such a challenging problem to fix because its roots are metaphysical and epistemological, and people don't appreciate that enough.

Also connect this with my video What Is The Devil? This is a prime example of devilry. Contemplate how easily you and your friends are corrupted in your own life.

July 31, 2022

As much as I despise JP's politics, this interview of his is apolitical, outstanding, and worthwhile to watch. Even though it seems technical in nature, it actually offers some profound insights into personality types, life purpose, and just dealing with successful & intelligent people.