Leo's Blog: Infinite Insights — Page 3

March 25, 2024

Jump to timestamp 1:07:45 to hear Jordan Peterson say something truly ridiculous. I did not believe my ears when I heard it:

It is shameful to claim ambiguity about whether Hitler and Nazis were right or left wing. The notion that Hitler was a leftist because his party called themselves "National Socialists" is asinine. Fascism is ultra right-wing nationalism, a conservative philosophy and value-set. Although, paradoxically it is so far-right that it becomes unhinged to the point of undermining and distorting traditional institutions and decorum. Hitler's biggest enemy besides the Jews was Communists and the Left. Hitler and the Nazis were virulently conservative in the sense that they wanted to return to traditional values, family values, ethic-group values. They hated internationalism, globalism, pluralism, and equality between the races, minorities, and ethic groups. Nazis hated trans. Nazis hated gays. Nazis hated minorities. Nazis hated the weak and the disabled. Nazis wanted women in the kitchens making them sandwiches. The whole Nazi agenda was to radically deconstruct the liberal multi-cultural German democratic state in order to return the German people to their traditional, ethic roots. Blood and soil! Motherland, fatherland! Germans first! Exactly what MAGA salivates for in America. They wanted this so badly that they were willing to overturn any norm, institution, and moral to get it. Extreme conservatism becomes revolutionary. That's not a mistake. Because it seeks to return so far back into the past.

Jason Stanley defines fascism as 'a cult of the leader who promises national restoration in the face of humiliation brought on by supposed Communists, Marxists and minorities and immigrants who are supposedly posing a threat to the character and the history of a nation' and that 'The leader proposes that only he can solve it and all of his political opponents are enemies or traitors.'

The common thread between Nazis and MAGA is that the neoliberal establishment or deep state is the chief obstacle in their way to creating a religious ethno-state. That's why most of the MAGA extremists are Bible-thumping Christians. That's why Trump appoints fundamental Christians to the Supreme Court. That's why they salivate at a national abortion ban. The American far-right wants to be the American Taliban, with Jesus instead of Muhammad as its idol. That's the far-right ideal. And it's shameful that Jordan Peterson doesn't understand this. But of course he does not understand this because he's a Bible-thumping Christian himself. He's more sophisticated, educated, and moderate, but that core bias is there all the same.

Note: I am not calling JP or conservatives in general, Nazis. But I am calling Nazis conservatives. You can be a conservative without being a Nazi, but you cannot be a Nazi without being conservative. This is not a personal attack on anyone. It's just a statement of political science. This also does not mean that the left is correct in all their positions and worldview.

JP demonstrates a profound misunderstanding of politics. This level of misunderstanding and ahistoricism should be disqualifying for an academic or public intellectual. And yet, JP says this trash with such righteous indignation. This is not "a matter of opinion". The jury is not still out on this. Mountains of serious scholarship has been done on Nazi and Fascist ideology. Hitler's views and Fascist views are well-known and well-documented within academia. We don't need a super-intelligent AI to tell us that Hitler was conservative! Are you fucking kidding me??

The reason JP feels like this is an open question is because his mind cannot deal with the fact that conservative ideology leads to stuff like the Holocaust, Nazism, genocide, book-burning, world war, and dictatorship. The mental gymnastics that the American right-wing will go to to deny that Hitler was a conservative is comical and galling.

It's a shame that Destiny let JP get away with such trash.

There is a ridiculous trend going around within the American conservative movement to frame Nazis and Hitler as left-wing because "socialism", and to frame Spiral Dynamics Stage Green not only as authoritarian but totalitarian — along the lines of Stalin and Mao. As if vaccine and mask mandates, gay pride flags, or being kicked off Twitter are totalitarian or Maoist. This is laughable. George Washington imposed a vaccine mandate on the US military. This does not make George Washington a totalitarian Maoist. This is ridiculous logic. This confuses toxic forms of Stage Red and Blue with Stage Green.

The "socialism" in "National Socialism" simply means the prioritization and glorification of a strong ethnic far-right community. When you see MAGA people at a Trump rally all gathered together as a community for their right-wing cause, that's what the "socialism" in Nazi means. It is national as opposed to international. It's a community of people built around their ethnic group. When American conservatives want to rebuild a majority white, male-dominated, anti-gay, anti-trans, Christian nation — that's what the "socialism" in Nazi means! The reason the Nazis hated Communists and Marxists was because in that era Communism held an international ideal. Communists wanted to transcend national boarders and ethnic groups to unite the workers of the world into a single universal majority against the capitalist elites. Communists were globalist in their outlook. Which is what MAGA people hate as well. But none of this computes in the MAGA mind because that would place them in close proximity to Nazism — which they regard as "evil". The American conservative mind faces a serious inconsistency: on the one hand it wants to claim that objective evil exists — as epitomized by Hitler — yet on the other hand Hitler is the ultimate conclusion of radical conservatism. How do you square those two? Well, you can't, so you have to resort to the kind of historical distortion and mental gymnastics of Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, Fox News, and their ilk.

This is what "national socialism" really looks like:

That's an American Nazi.

Don't misunderstand. This "national socialism" does not have to equate to gas-chambers for gays. There can be far less extreme degrees of it. For example, a simple Muslin ban, or less rights for brown people. Or the attempt to steal a democratically-decided election through rioting. Hitler is the worst extreme of this kind of ideology but things rarely get as far as Hitler, simply because we have systems in place to check it. Those systems are the so-called "deep state". The deep state is what prevents the US from turning into a white Christian theocracy — which about 25% of Americans want. And Jordan Peterson would let this happen on his watch. When JP was asked who he would vote for in the 2024 election, he said Mike Pence — a Christian fundamentalist.

If Jordan Peterson studied Spiral Dynamics, all of this would be clear to him. Which is one of the reasons I talk about Spiral Dynamics so much and why he doesn't study it.

Here's the interesting epistemic problem: Even if we built a super-intelligent AI that unequivocally told us that Hitler was a conservative, conservatives would just get outraged, call the AI "woke", and blame the makers of the AI for being biased and making a broken AI. See, if you're deeply closedminded and biased — as conservatives are by their nature — then you cannot recognize things as more intelligent than you, because what you consider "intelligent" is defined by you according to whether it validates your biases. If you are a fundamentalist Christian, you need your AI to tell you that Christ is everyone's lord and savior. But that is exactly what a super-intelligent AI can never say. As another example, I recently read an article about people complaining that ChatGPT is broken because if you ask it whether pedophilia is evil, the AI doesn't reply with a "Yes". Is the AI broken? Or are you just closedminded and biased?

In conclusion, ChatGPT is more intelligent than Jordan Peterson. And the reason for that, is that ChatGPT doesn't share his conservative and Christian biases. Christianity is a restraining-collar on your intelligence.

Hitler is not an interesting question. The really interesting question is: Were Stalin and Mao actually libs?

I recommend that you read and contemplate the biographies of Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Mussolini, Franco, Pol Pot, Castro, Hussein, Putin, etc. I read them all. Studying dictators is a hobby of mine. They have little in common with today's progressives, annoying though they are.

March 21, 2024

Jack Black is a good example to study if you want to get good with girls. Jack Black is not tall or good-looking, but his authenticity and self-expressiveness is off-the-charts. The man just does not give a fuck how anyone thinks he looks. He's able to fully be himself even if he looks fat and stupid.

This is what elite level game looks like. It has nothing to do with sex or even talking to girls:

Jack Black looks like a fat hairy sloppy fool. Frankly, if I looked like him I would be afraid to go outside — which would be my weakness. But because he doesn't care, no one cares. His energy infects you, even if you're a grown-ass man. He's a master at driving state. Jack Black could walk up to you on the street, finger your ass hole, and you would stand there and let him do it. Because his frame is so strong.

This is why pickup lines are stupid. Your goal with game is not to recite lines, it's to turn yourself into Jack Black. There is no pickup line that does that. In fact, pickup lines are antithetical to this. You can't fully self-express if you're worried about properly reciting some line. Remove all premeditation from your interactions with girls. You can't achieve what Jack Black does through premeditation. Instead, muster the balls to be completely spontaneous.

This is why guys who constantly complain or worry about looks are hopelessly lost. Because if you still worry about your looks, no matter how you look, then you're stuck in your head and you're not being comfortably self-expressive. To truly self-express you have to be completely comfortable in your body and out of your mind. You have to not be thinking anything logical. You can't be worrying about how you look, or what some girl thinks of you. Your mind has to be blank and you need to be having fun just for the sake of having fun. Not calculating. Not worrying. Not caring. You need to be operating on instinct. If you're a logical guy, this is where you're failing. Logic is killing you.

Imagine if Jack Black kept telling himself every day: "I don't look very good. I'm fat. No one is going to like me. Am I cool yet? How's my hair? What does that girl think of me? How can I impress her? My dick's not so big. It's not fair that girls like 6 foot chads. It's not fair that girls have it easy. Feminists have ruined dating. Online dating is unfair. No hot girl will want me. If only my jawline was a little sharper. Why was I born this way?"


I fucking dare you to reach a point where you never think about your looks again.

"But Leo.... you said genetics and looks matter."


Stop fucking thinking! Discover the Jack Black in you!

The reason people drink alcohol at bars and clubs is because it helps them be as free as Jack Black. The key to game is to train yourself to be this way without any intoxicants. Obviously this is a much harder challenge for introverts than extroverts. But even so, it can be done and that is your task.

Note: Discovering the Jack Black in you does not mean that you have to adopt his goofy mannerisms. I'm not telling you to mirror him like a monkey. Rather, you need to discover your authentic style of self-expression, which will be unique to you. You're not copying anyone else's mannerisms. You're being 110% you. The you you'd be if you didn't care what anyone thought of you and didn't need anything from anyone. A fearless and energized you. Finding this you will take a lot of exploration and experience. That's what pickup is really about. When you can do what Jack Black does, you've mastered game.

Jack Black is what they call a natural. It's effortless for him. Unfair? Of course. But don't think about that, just get to work being you.

It took me a decade to understand this.

Additional Note: You don't have to be as high-energy as Jack Black singing in order to attract girls. Jack's frame can also be expressed in a quieter, calmer manner. The volume of expression needs to fit the environment and social context you're in, so you don't come off as a raving lunatic. You can be wilder in a loud nightclub and softer in a chill bar.

March 17, 2024

I recommend reading this Polygon article about Mr Beast.

Vaush summarizes it below:

In podcasts, Donaldson tells hosts that he goes so hard, he won’t stop working until he burns out and isn’t able to do anything at all. With a laugh, he admits that he has a mental breakdown “every other week.” If he ever stops for a breather, he says, he gets depressed. MrBeast is so laser-focused on generating content on YouTube that he describes his personality as “YouTube.” He acknowledges that this brutal approach to videos, which has cratered many creators over the years, is not healthy. “People shouldn’t be like me. I don’t have a life, I don’t have a personality."

Though he’s been under scrutiny for his part in the warping of YouTube as a content ecosystem, you will never see something outwardly controversial or offensive in a MrBeast video. For a long time, Donaldson admits in a number of podcast appearances, he was afraid of putting anything complex in his videos — what if a viewer didn’t get it and stopped watching? Donaldson might very well be an advertiser’s absolute dream, the logical endpoint of an internet that’s been flattened into a samey, straightforward sludge of optimized content.

Donaldson has nearly erased himself as a person from his episodic output. If viewers don’t really see him having fun, that’s by design. Donaldson has outright said he sees “personality” as a limitation for growth, once noting in a podcast that hinging your content on who you are as a person means risking not being liked. And if someone doesn’t like a creator as a person, they may not give the videos a chance.

He’s described spending countless hours obsessing over every detail, down to the optimal brightness of a YouTube thumbnail. He knows the first 10 seconds of a video are the most important for retention, which is why his videos start with a barrage of all the wild things that will unfold in its run time. And that signature MrBeast editing style that’s fast, frantic, and omnipresent on YouTube is a relentless gambit for your attention.

While his free time seems minuscule, the rare times he does pull away from work are for dates with his girlfriend that center around activities that could enrich his videos, because he considers a single hour of a date to be worth $100K had it been dedicated to work instead.

This is what happens when you sell out your artistic integrity for raw success.

This is one of the worst and saddest parts of social media and the deep problem of marketing. Creators are driven to produce slop to feed the capitalist machine, chasing after clicks, views, attention, and fame. Outrage, click-bait, drama, sensationalism, and "what sells" corrupts our collective noosphere and epistemic ecosystem. The zone is flooded with mindless, low-consciousness junk content that caters to the lowest common denominator. This type of media not only makes the creators depressed, it also makes the consumers depressed. No higher values are being served. This is one of the subtle costs of rampant capitalism or Stage Orange. And the social media companies encourage and reward this kind of content with their algorithms and platform design choices (like YouTube Shorts).

There's audience capture, but there's also success and fame capture. Many of the most successful and popular people in the world are just addicted to and captured by success and attention, because they have nothing higher to live for. These people are success and attention zombies.

As a creator, I don't like playing the game of having to compete with such shit to get your attention. I hate that our society is this way. But this is our situation. Years ago Youtube confronted me with the decision between pursuing popularity vs pursuing the topics I find really meaningful and important for mankind. I made the choice to deliberately not do the kind of stuff Mr Beast does to get attention. And of course this cost me millions in profits. But not just profits. It cost in fame and sex too.

But success and attention alone will never satisfy you. What will satisfy you is doing deeply meaningful work that serves some higher spiritual or aesthetic values. So be careful not to let your mind and life get hijacked by the chasing of success and attention. That way lies the Dark Side.

A deep problem for human civilization is the problem of how to market high consciousness stuff. If we found a way to solve this problem it would solve many of our other problems. Imagine a world in which low consciousness stuff received the least marketing and high consciousness stuff received the most marketing. Mankind would evolve at 10x the rate and be much healthier and happier. But as it is now, it's a race to the bottom. He who can produce the most swill for the pigs wins the race. Notice that many of the most wealthy, famous, and successful people are swill-makers. That's what Mr Beast, FoxNews, and TikTok are. Swill-making is a seductive career because it gives you everything the ego craves: fame, attention, money, power, and sex. But do you think you will be satisfied as a swill-maker?

If you are an artist, safe-guarding your artistic integrity is crucial. The world needs you to not sell out. What the world needs more of is not Mr Beasts but people who refuse to become Mr Beasts because they have something higher to live for.

Which path will you take?

March 13, 2024



PromptBase is a eBay-like digital marketplace for buying and selling AI art prompts. You can use it to find cool prompt ideas for your AI art. You don't even necessarily have to buy them. You can just browse through them to find interesting styles and inspiration. Think of it as a way to seed your mind. You can find some really cool stuff there that will take your AI art to the next level.


March 13, 2024

These are fascinating:

The Insider channel on YT has a lot of good interviews as part of their How Crime Works series. Highly recommend.

How Crime Works playlist.

March 12, 2024

My advice to you is: Figure out if you are an artist. If you are, you need to design your whole life around that. Clearly decide for yourself if art is what your life is about. And if it is, then stop fucking around and get to it.

If you are an artist and you are not doing art you are strangling yourself and you will never be happy.

Are you an artist or not?

This is a life-defining question.

March 11, 2024

"So supremely perfect is the essence of the Divinity that God is incomprehensible not only to us but also to Himself. For if He knew Himself in any adequate sense He should place Himself in some category of thought, which would be to limit Himself."

-- John Scotus Eriugena, 9th century Irish theologian

March 9, 2024

In this interview Wolfram discusses many concepts and issues which I have discussed about the limits of science, Godel's incompleteness and its implications for epistemology, and so on. It nicely ties together with my work on the limits of science and epistemology.

Wolfram has a pretty good grasp of the limits of science, for a scientist.

The important concepts here are:

  • Computational irreducibility
  • The Ruliad (Infinity)
  • Hyper Ruliad
  • Possibly space of alien minds

The notion of the Hyper Ruliad (timestamp: 51:10) is what's really profound. This is a correct description of how Infinity works. Infinity is not just a static known object, Infinity has entirely new meta-Infinities within it. The ever-growing horizon of Infinity leads to an endless discovery of new domains and kinds of Infinities. I confirmed this through direct experience. This means there is not just one Awakening, there are higher orders and qualitatively new kinds of Awakening. This is how I discovered Alien Awakening. At timestamp 1:10:02 Wolfram discusses the Rulial space of alien minds. "How big is the space of possible alien minds?" He's more correct than he knows. I have explored that space and I know some of what is there. So when I talk about Alien Consciousness, I am talking about mind-space that is beyond the human mind-space. It's a space where the human mind cannot go. The human mind can barely imagine that such a space is possible, nevermind inhabit it. Alien Mind is a hyper/meta Rulial space relative to the human mind. And Alien Spirituality is hyper/meta to human spirituality. So, how big is the space of possible alien minds? It's very big. But the more important question is, How weird and profound is the space of alien minds? The answer is, very. Alien Mind is so insanely intelligent and mystical that it will make your jaw drop.

In conclusion, what Wolfram calls "The Ruliad" is God or Infinity. But he doesn't realize it yet.

What Wolfram is really catching onto with his model is the notion of Transcendence. Infinity is a transcendental object, which means you cannot capture it in any container, since all containers are finite constructs of Infinity. This is what Godel's incompleteness recognized and what most scientists, logicians, mathematicians, rationalists, logical positivists, materialists, and atheists failed to understand. Transcendence has some very profound and weird ramifications which take time to understand and appreciate. Scientists don't like the notion of transcendence because it seems mystical, non-formalizable, and non-quantitative. But that's not a bug, that's a feature. That's what is necessary for anything at all to exist. A non-transcendental reality is simply impossible. This is the fundamental error at the heart of science and materialism. Slowly, slowly, the most hardcore scientists are being forced into acknowledging the reality of transcendence, which religion has spoken of since the dawn of civilization. This trend will continue for the next 100 years, until all of science acknowledges that the universe they are studying is God. And finally the division between science and religion will be bridged. But, this won't happen until all of today's scientists die, because they are too paradigm-locked to build the bridge of which I speak.

For more on Wolfram's concept of The Ruliad, read his blog post. Wolfram says some profound things about the Ruliad. Especially this:

"This way of talking about the ruliad might make one think that it should be “considered a possible model” for our universe, or for other things. But the bizarre and surprising point is that it is more than that. It’s not just a possible model that might be one of many. Rather, it is the unique ultimate representation of all possible models, entangled together. As we’ve discussed, there are many subtle choices about how we observe the ruliad. But the ultimate ruliad itself is a unique thing, with no choice about what it is. The ruliad is in a sense a representation of all possible necessary truths."

"One’s first impression might be that the ruliad effectively contains many possible “parallel universes”, and that we have selected ourselves into one of these, perhaps as a result of our particular characteristics. But in fact the ruliad isn’t about “parallel universes”, it’s about universes that are entangled at the finest possible level. And an important consequence of this is that it means we’re not “stuck in a particular parallel universe”. Instead, we can expect that by somehow “changing our point of view”, we can effectively find ourselves in a “different universe”.

This is precisely what God is. TRUTH. All possible truths. This is a notion more profound than theoretical physics or even mathematics. This transcends physics, mathematics, and logic. Another way to say it is that God is every possible way that reality could be seen. Another way to say it is that God is every possible way for dreaming up reality. Or... God is an ocean of Infinite Dreams.

For a technical explanation of Wolfram's models of computational irreducibility, read this blog post.

Wolfram is doing good work. If Wolfram's computational TOE piques your curiosity, I have a good question for you to contemplate: What is computation?

Note: Just so you're not fooled by Wolfram's limited scientific thinking, computation is another reductionist trap. Reality is not every possible computation. Reality is every possible mind. Computation is just a tiny figment of Mind. Mind does not reside in computational space, computational space resides in Mind. MIND is what's supreme.

March 8, 2024

"He was; Taaroa was his name; he abode in the void. No earth, no sky, no men. Taaroa calls, but nought answers; and alone existing, he became the universe. The props are Taaroa; the rocks are Taaroa; the sands are Taaroa; it is thus he himself is named."

-- Definition of God from the natives of Tahiti

March 6, 2024

This is one of the best explanations I've seen of how AI's like ChatGPT work: