Understanding Male Attraction ( it's more than you think)

By mmKay in Dating, Sexuality, Relationships, Family,
Yup we guys like a piece of ass and titties. for some men that's the end of the story and that's fair enough.   I've always been intrigued WHY do I find specific things sexually attractive and other things sexually repulsive .  Why am I attracted to ass, titties, a beautiful face and smile, well put together, youth, slim , makeup and color?  Today I'm excited to share some simple but personally satisfying answers.  It felt like zooming outside of my human being to become conscious of myself being this chimp, and that this chimp has specific preferences and dislikes, like love for sweet and hate of bitter, or being a bee and realizing the evolutionary reason why I'm drawn to flowers   This may apply to males at large but I've noticed that different guys have slightly different preferences, which only makes sense because of different successful genetic backgrounds ( if your ancestors mated with females with "X" traits, and you're alive here today, it means traits "X" work for survival and therefore are attractive to you) Quick note. All of this is from an non judgemental POV with the sole purpose of noticing and understanding . In no way I'm trying to make women feel worse about themselves. Second quick note. Since in the scope of our evolution the risks of sex are minimal for men compared to women (besides getting your head smashed in by another male/gang of males for having sex with the wrong woman ) we are more okay with just sticking it in literally any chance that we get and possibly skipping on any of these preferences.  Women on the other hand get f*cking disabled for a year and they can LITERALLY DIE if impregnated. ACTUALLY LITERALLY DIE. Therefore they are a little more picky.   Anyways, from my BIOLOGIES POV, for me to be attracted to a woman she has to display physical traits that mean she can bear children GOOD,  and a minimum degree of mental capacities ( otherwise it would be a turnoff because it signals bad genetic material) For me personally, I know if I'm physically attracted to a women immediately. At a primal biological level. In a single glance.  Now since I'm not an absolute chimp, her personality can be a further turn off if it's just not for a pump and dump.   This one I found to be the most interesting. And it's the exception to the rule: Beautiful face , smile, teeth. A symetrical Golden Ratio face doesn't provide much raw survival value or information about fertility. The value of a symmetrical face is a strange loop. It's valuable because we value it. Beauty is slippery. We love the golden ratio. Beauty is valuable because we value beauty. But a pretty face by itself is not enough of an attraction cue as you may have noticed. You've got all teeth? Clear sign of youth and health. Showing your teeth in monkey societies signals submission . Perfectly aligned teeth are more of a aesthetic and universally recognized love of Beauty in the abstract, like Greek sculptures.  Why men/I'm not attracted to chubby / fat women This one I've been racking my mind over the longest, and the Insight came to me watching an Instagram reel of a couple dancing bachata. It was a before / during pregnancy dance video. In the initial video the girl was slim and I felt she looked very attractive. Few seconds later, the video was cut to them dancing months later where you could tell she is just a tiny little pregnant, she had an inflated belly and my attraction was immediately killed!!   So the Insight is that I'm genetically not attracted to chubby or fat women because it resemblances pregnancy. That their fertile real estate is currently taken and therefore not worth pursuing. Also you can't tell THAT easily if they're pregnant already . Imagine you had sex with a female thousands of years ago and she was pregnant already and you raised a child that's not yours. It's shooting yourself in the foot genetically. Although you may argue being overweight was pretty uncommon throughout history. I know personally men who are into chubby girls. On the other hand, easily storing fat would be extremely useful and therefore attractive for species who have to survive in places of extreme cold like Alaska. Otherwise It kind of signals scarcity of food and the need to hoard. Historically Surviving is easier if you're capable of consistently obtaining food from outside of your own fat sources. It's more efficient to be thin. Make up , Youth , Color An appearance well taken care of is the physical visual equivalent of seeing muscles on a guy . It's a what's called a "honest signal" , which means it's a conveyance of value that can not be faked. You are strong, end of story. Or in her case , you have put time and effort into your appearance, which signals good caretaking , which is essential for raising children. Contrast it with looking like this A dishonest signal of value would be mentioning you get laid a lot, even if it's true . Because that CAN be a lie and not true. Make up covers skin signs of ageing. And genetically we're attracted to young women because they're in their prime for bearing children. I'm genetically attracted to female eye contact, a primal indicator of sexual interest. Once two attractive women were in front of me. Only one had done her eyes and eyelashes done. It emphasizes her eyes A LOT more.   Colorful make up for eyelids, lipstick etc, simply draw attention for humans overall, not just for men. I have been using my smartphone in black and white mode for the last few weeks and it's astonishing how much less distracting app icons are. Color provides vital information about ripeness of food, time of day, poisoning factor of food or animals or insects, purity of water, etc. Conclusion : color draws attention because it conveys information. Why the hourglass shape? Thin body with broad hips is the genetic  preference. I didn't know this but broad hips are a big factor on how well the mother can give birth. The mother can literally die if her hips arent wide enough, because of the size of human babies. Nowadays C-sections exist which would minimize the attraction to wide hips, but it's still there instinctually. Why the attraction to booty? It comes from our monkey times. Bonobos and macaques specifically find swollen buttocks more attractive because it signals more estrogen and fertility Titties? I was watching  a absolutely non sexual video. Some people were talking . The woman was wearing a loose shirt. For a speck of a second, she accidentally pulled on a part of her shirt and it slightly shaped to the form of her bra. I instantly noticed I felt a primal feeling of attraction. It was so quick I barely noticed it happening, and had to rewind the video to investigate what the fuck had just happened If she has breasts , biologically it means she is past puberty and ready to bear children. Non sagging breasts are a signal of youth as well.   All of this is just from a primal perspective. Of course modern humans have the capacity to appreciate personality, and for quality couples it's an absolute must. Hope I shared an insightful perspective about why men judge women that heavily on physical appearance. Let me know if you want to share some interesting take. Do not turn this into a gender war post   
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