Reality is not a Dream

By Dodo in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
I've been hearing a lot of talk around here and elsewhere, the sensationalist statement: Reality is a dream. I'm here to prove it is Not a dream, by pointing out flaws with this assumption and major differences between dreams and reality.  As a self proclaimed ream expert, (having the necessary experience of 10k+ hours of dreaming and education about it) I am in the perfect position to dispel any misconceptions that might lead you to believe you are living in a dream, whether you heard it somewhere and it sounds true, or because you reached that conclusion yourself. You are welcome to disagree and present your opinion as well, I actually look forward to any attempts to prove to me the impossible. Here is a numbered list of reasons why reality is NOT a dream. Let's be real, dreamers!  You do not need sustenance in dreams to survive. You do not need food and water, as a side note you don't need to pee or poo either! You don't need to sleep in your dreams to recharge your energy. *warning*  Sometimes you can pee in your dream, but beware! You're probably peeing in your bed while doing so, do not admit to doing that. You don't need to be a natural organic being character with a beating heart in your dream in order to interact with it. I've had many dreams where I am my human self, but I've also had dreams where I transform into other things, such as a flying in-game spaceship, and I was fighting other in-dream MMORPG characters. It was a lot of fun, and I even got a bicycle drop from one guy's loot!  You do not have lasting consequences and continuity in dreams - you also cannot revisit the same dream after you wake up from it. Basically, you can do whatever the heck you want in your dream with 0 consequences and no accountability!

You can do impossible feats such as flying without any necessary equipment, move through walls, break the " physics " of the dream, which is impossible in actual reality (I mean try it). I've had dreams when I was younger where I am in my apartment, and I jump down from the 6th story and start to fly. Actually I have had multiple dreams like that, sometimes being chased by someone, other times I just jump by my own will after realising its a dream and I know there are no consequences if I do it. 

Other times within a dream I dont even realise I'm dreaming, but I get the sudden realisation that I can jump very high like a superhero or fly if I do so and so and feel like a real superhero for a while. I even tried to record it with a phone within my dream one time, because I wanted to prove to others I can jump so high, but somehow my phone battery was always dead and I looked like a scam!! My dreams were shattered once I woke up and reality hits o whelp, I guess I cant jump that high, bummer!  I heard talk about Lucid dreaming - that when you awaken spiritually and "realise you're in a dream" you remain in the dream and interact with it knowing it is a dream etc etc., but again, like the last point, once you realise you're inside an actual dream you can actually perform miracles straight away, most people get the urge to fly or get naked in public ! (both superpowers by their own right). Not only can you not do flying after spiritually awakening, but there is another detail which differs between being lucid in a normal dream and lucid in "reality dream" in that when you become lucid in a normal dream, you actually have to remain calm and collected, because if you get too excited you will wake up immediately and ream is over - try again next time. There is no such thing in real life, in fact you can get as excited as you want, you can even try hard, if your life is sh!t to exit the dream, but without actually putting a bullet in your head or something of that kind, you cannot do that. Very un-dream-like behaviour really. Your character inside the dream can't sleep and doesnt need to sleep as mentioned in point 1) and it has infinite energy if you will. So if in a dream you cannot sleep and dream, then why would we equate reality - where you can sleep and dream - to a dream where you can't do that? If you "fall asleep" in a dream, you start the next dream or go to deep dreamless sleep, you don't go to the dream inside the dream of your dream character...  You cannot read normal text within dreams. The logical part of the brain is given a rest, and within dreams if you start reading text, all the characters will be jumbled up, they wont make sense - in fact thats one of the methods to gain lucidity within a dream, by trying to read something.  Dreams are a mechanism by which we might be getting training for actual reality inside of a very non-threatening and inconsequential environment, where you can try things out and perhaps get real ideas and wisdom from, but they are in no way even close to what actual reality is - in actual reality you don't get a re-do if you royally screw up. I've had dreams where I was able to go back in time when I really wanted to! In reality I cant do that and my cryptocurrency journey shows that, I really really want to go back for that one! Perhaps we communicate with our deepest unconscious when we dive inside a dream and can learn things about our character when we are in an unrestricted environment designed by our own unconscious for lessons we might want to learn and use in real life. Communication in dreams happens exclusively by telepathic communication. No actual speech or words being said, you know what you are saying and you know what the other dream characters are saying and it feels like actual conversation sometimes, but its "telepathic" because its you, or your deeper subconscious basically speaking to yourself. You might get things being said to you that are not something you would say or ever be able to think of, but thats the entire dream really, you get a dream conjured but by your subconscious with some specific script and things happening like in a movie sometimes and you have no clue who made this dream because you would never be able to come up with such an elaborate script yourself and dream through it without knowing the script - I would explain this with the subconscous again. Supposedly it is much more grand and inteligent than the conscous part of the mind, as if you had conscious knowledge of all the subconscous knows you might and will go nocap insane!    I don't know if I missed anything, but I think this is good enough for now! Looking forward to any arguments and where I am getting it wrong! I'm open to being taught in case someone can directly disprove any or all the points I have mentioned.   
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