Reply to Life Has Meaning + The Magic of Creation

By Yimpa,
Wow! I just had a vivid dream of being at a checkout section of a store, then next thing I know I wind up in the back area where it’s supposedly only for employees only. “Apparently” I snoozed off and entered into a new dream, which only appeared to be connected to the previous dream. I kept trying to ask all the employees how I wound up there, and nobody could give me an answer. Nobody seemed to mind, either! It’s as if they knew I was a nut case, but didn’t want to offend me, lol. One of the employees was even trying to help me find the original room I was in after I kept pestering them for help calmly, yet he was also having a hard time finding it.  This employee also looked like a classmate I had back in elementary school, so I asked him if it was him, and he was like, “Nope, sorry wrong person.” Keep in mind that I could not distinguish those interconnected dreams from this reality until I am typing up this up right now. I want to explore this further! Holy shit! I’m really GOD! Nobody can explain reality but GOD as Reality itself!!!  Why do I keep asking people what is reality ahhahaha!!