Reply to About the last Insight post and general critique of Leo

By Osaid,
Lol no, the "dream" perfectly incorporates itself. Never changes. Just your beliefs about it. Very funny when you truly realize this.

Imagine you start up a new Minecraft realm. The immediate and absolute perception is a terrain of blocks, and a rendered distance, and whatever else. You think, "I'm human". You think, "Nothing exists beyond perception". You think, "I'm God creating all of this". You think, "I'm a creature that survives in this weird dimension." You think, "There are other dimensions beyond this one." You think, "This is all just illusion." You think, "I'm just imagining all of this." You think, "I'm just playing a video game." And you can think forever. But all these thoughts revolve and contort themselves around the EXACT same perceptual experience, which is always there. Because experience is not actually changing, what is happening is that you are literally imagining different concepts as if they are more true or real than the previous one, and then using those concepts to point to the exact same direct experience which all your previous concepts have pointed to, but you perceive it as different because you react differently, and it triggers different thought patterns, and the content of the concept is slightly different, and whatever else. 

In a hyperbolic way, it's kind of like when someone smokes a lot of weed and is like "Oh my god dude, have you ever realized that this wall is literally like, a wall? You can't think of a wall, it's always directly experienced! Woahhhh..." It's the age old stereotype of weed smokers stating the "obvious" in a more profound sentiment. The experience of the wall did not change. Their previous beliefs about walls did.