Reply to Ralston Gives A Clear Answer To Metaphysical Love Question

By Osaid,
When you actually reach "it" you will realize that there was just one singular truth this entire time and you just stay there forever. Of course its a single realization. You're not gonna realize truth twice! Biggest plot twist ever. There's no degrees of enlightenment. Those are just awakenings/breadcrumbs hinting at enlightenment. Enlightenment is just one singular realization that has been referred to across history. There's no "he didn't integrate this as much as that teacher." It is a singular binary thing. You either get it or you don't. There's no guessing, there's no going back to experiences to make sure you were correct, and there's no changing your ideas of reality. It's just something you are immediately and permanently aware of forever, and then you're done with "it."