Reply to I am definitely traumatized

By sholomar,
This post was taken from another forum, posted here for my future reference. It could be pasted into half the threads in this subforum and is one of the most informed posts on human nature I've ever seen. "I guess I could say that I hate the human condition and the human body, but I cannot possibly bring myself to hate humans themselves. I love them and pity them. After all, they're trapped here in these prison cells of flesh on this god-forsaken planet along with me. Our bodies were designed to make us weak and stupid, suppress our True Will, defile our intentions, and blind our spiritual vision. There can be no fixing humanity until the Homo Sapiens genome is altered and all impurities removed. The limbic system must be made subservient to the prefrontal cortex, the fear response must be attenuated, the sex drive diminished, and numerous metabolic and oncogenetic defects addressed.

These vessels are little better than the troglodyte apes they were fashioned from and we retain our primate cousins' drive for war, wanton violence and dominance over others. Look at what chimps do in the wild, free from the troubles of civilization. Remind you of anything? In the case of chimps, our closest genetic relatives, you can't blame culture, education, poverty, or poor character - only genetically embedded behavior. Those same genes control us, although to a much lesser degree. If we want to ensure a future for our species, we must kill the chimp within us.

Imagine who you would become if you were free from all your urges, your laziness, your addiction, your genetically preset emotional valence (depression), your social anxiety, and your brain's pesky tolerance to continuous drug use. Imagine a world where you controlled your brain instead of it controlling you. If you wanted to act on your dreams, you could force your brain to produce dopamine and norepinephrine, spurring you to action. Your anxiety could be turned off and moved into a purely rational risk-reward calculation. Boredom and fatigue could be staved off with a mere act of willpower, and targeted emotional salience would encode new memories with greater precision and ability to recall. It would be a world where humans are free to become our best, authentic selves, loving life and embracing our greatest shared dreams." "Getting rid of sex would indeed be a colossally stupid move, but that is not what I'm proposing. I'm talking about diminishing the sex drive to the point where it serves the rational mind, not the other way around. You probably know people in your personal circle who have made regrettable mistakes due to being hijacked by their libido. Do you not see the benefit in being able to consciously turn your sex drive off and on at will?
Sexual arousal is the linchpin of psychosocial control and can be used to manipulate your behavior at the subconscious level. How many stupid politicians now have a dossier of blackmail hanging over their heads because they listened to their dick instead of their rational mind? How many young women find themselves with an unplanned pregnancy because of their libido? How many men lose everything in a divorce because they ignored the red flags on their gold-digger wife, preferring instead to stare at their breasts? I'd even be willing to gamble that the demand for human trafficking would be greatly reduced if only our libido was dialed down.

The libido is one of the most self-sabotaging urges we humans deal with, as reproductive instinct is evolutionarily optimized to prioritize the continuation of your gene-line over your own well-being. It's the one instinct doesn't care if your life falls apart as the result of a bad decision, it just wants your genes to propagate. The sooner we get it under control, the better." "I concede that compared to other life on earth, the human body is remarkable in many ways. The issue is that it's not designed to serve our mind/soul, rather evolution has tried to make our mind subservient to "selfish gene" principles, using our innovation and intelligence to ensure the propagation of genes by solving problems in the environment. Unfortunately, modern man's plight is even worse, for in mastering control of the environment, we have removed ourselves from the very selective pressures that would ensure our ability to adapt and improve. Even those of us with the lowest evolutionary fitness are all but guaranteed to reproduce and pass on genes that are maladapted to the modern world.

We've got a 21st century mind running on stone-age genetic hardware and neural firmware, and it's causing a plethora of problems. Our hard-wired instincts are still fundamentally "caveman" priming our behavior to deal with threats that no longer exist. This leads to resource hoarding, tribal aggression and racism, overclocked sex drives, heightened anxiety, bad diet habits, and constant paranoia. In the environment our bodies were optimized to survive in, threats were everywhere and survival was a full-time job. We were not the apex predators, and faced just as much a threat from neighboring humans raiding our camps or stealing our land. Today, we have the means to become an almost post-scarcity society, yet we still think and act like it's the stone-age."