Reply to Why there is attachment to thought

By Osaid,
I know. My position is not that thoughts are unreal. Of course they are real. It is SOMETHING that's happening. Theres just absolutely no reason to worry about them. It's like I'm trying to point out to you that the snake on the television screen is not real, and you're like, "But, you know, technically it's real", and then your heart starts racing in reaction to the screen.

I am saying that you are enacting physical symptoms in reaction to thought, which make the thought "feel realer" than it actually is, and this causes you to misinterpret those thoughts and create a belief/perception (whether conscious or unconscious) that says "this thought exists as something that isn't thought" or "this thought is me" or "this thought is a threat to me." You are delegating experience to thought, which is the only way to actually be scared of thoughts in the first place. And, experience is NEVER thought, experience is always the whole thing, and it is infinite. You cannot subtract or abstract a part of experience and say "this is experience", because no, it's just a PART of experience. You cannot escape or delegate experience with any word, thought, or communication no matter how descriptive it may be.