Reply to Is God realization shortcut to solving life problems?

Water by the River
By Water by the River,
That is actually are very cool usage for the term Renaissance Man. And the ladies please modify that with a different term of your choosing... So, where were we? Ah, the  Renaissance-Man (male female diverse alien ... n+1 ) -Nondual-Realizer Actually I like that concept of yours so much that I hijack it in my ususal style  borrow it and continue with way to looong musings without explicit permission. If you don't mind ?!  Fully agree to clearly telling from the beginning that having ones life integrated and balanced is essential: Blue self-discipline Orange financial abundance or even financial independence (but in a smart way, normally takes 1-2 decades at least) Green relationships/friends/family/partner/clubs/society (and training directly in coming back to the Market Place with open hands, even though the Ox stage 10 is not reached. If one only comes back after Ox Nr. 9, its probably a bit, uuuuuh, late, weird and out of training...-.). Just trying to be cool in general. You know, at least genuinly trying, despite all this spaced out Enlightenment/Awakening/Alien-Heavens stuff... Then, if you do it with style and smart, being on the path to becoming the Renaissance-Man (male female diverse alien ... n+1 ) -Nondual-Realizer can be quite funny & cool trip... And if one plays the Nondual-Missionary.... better do it by example (the Renaissance guy anything!) than conceptually talking people to the latest religion of the day  seventh heaven of Nonduality. Yellow: Enduring the madness of the world, its multiperspectival-cultural wars, so not despairing on its acutal state, but seeing its potential (Ken Wilber once said nobody can stop ideas which time has come (for example Ancient Greece and Rome, Renaissance, Age of Enlightenment, Industrialization, Information Age. Integral anybody !? hell yes.... and could anybody stop these movements. They tried with all they had... ). Being Integral acutally works just fine if done correctly. Anytime one is p***** off or really annoyed, one is not integral... Coral and further  making a working relationship with Guanyin & Manjushri Add Bazooka-Jesus "Happy Mexican Traditional Music MEXICAN PARTY Mariachi, Guitar, Trumpet" -Archetype to the Duo of Guanyin & Manjushri. Like an update to the well experienced and mighty medieval couple of transcendetal Boddhisattva Anuttarayoga Deity Duo.  Then you have a mighty Trio of Anuttarayoga Tantra Deities/Archetypes. And with that, one can probably even survive the madness of this Postmodern-Age and other stuff in a lovingly-smiling way.  @Bazooka Jesus No roalties for the "Happy Mexican Traditional Music MEXICAN PARTY Mariachi, Guitar, Trumpet" - Deity, ok? Like, in a Co-Invention? Using an efficient Meditation System. Yours truly engaged in some serious propaganda for a certain system in the past.... Not doing the Adi-Da thing, despite pretty crazy Nondual-realized. Just because its a bit uncool. Everbody enlightened can do the Guru show, but getting your financials/emotional/sexual hangovers managed that way is o-so-lame. Like in, NOT COOL AT ALL  Apply for the Empty-Mirror-Job-Description in the Signature of yours truly (below)  and if having had a serious Slap or two from the One Hand, annoy the conceptual Absolute Solipsism anything Ideology gladiators of this lovely Lila show of ours in way that displeases at least Maya. And never take the gig for more than a gig. But also not for less...   Guanyin & Manjushri and the Mexican Bazooka Trumpeter will lend a hand... And while one is at it: Don't get a Burnout or Heart Attack while trying to be all one can be, and more. That is a decades long marathon, which should be run strategically and wisely. Be good to yourself. Nothing in this world ever runs completely smooth. But over a long time, mountains can be moved.... What one needs for avoiding the Heart Attack: A good map, and good practices. There is so much good stuff out in the public now, it fries my brains, considering how it was 20 years ago when yours truly started. Links of stuff I love  is my post archive... and preferably some initital peaks into higher states, so that one already has seen the promised land. So have fun, enjoy the journey, become all the Renaissance-Man (male female diverse) -Nondual-Realizer ya can be, and Bon Voyage! Selling Water by the River   PS: And mucho importante: Laughing over onself  Ken Wilber wrote: “TRANSCENDENCE RESTORES HUMOR. Spirit restores humor. Suddenly smiling returns. Too many representatives of too many movements – even many very good movements, such as feminism, environmentalism, meditation, spiritual studies – seem to lack humor altogether. In other words, they lack lightness, they lack a distance from themselves, a distance from the ego and its grim game of forcing others to conform to its contours... They should all trade two pounds of ego for one ounce of laughter”(Ken Wilber. 1999. One Taste: The Journals of Ken Wilber. December 7).