Notice: Please Use The Ignore User Function

Leo Gura
By Leo Gura in Personal Development -- [Main],
To reduce hostility and friction between members here, please remember that there is an "Ignore User" function in your profile Control Panel. Click on your username in the top right corner of the screen, then scroll down to Ignored Users and input usernames to your liking. Use this feature to block posts and messages from people who annoy you or who you feel are not contributing anything productive to your forum experience. There is no penalty for using this feature. If you block your top 10 most annoying and unproductive members on this forum things will go a lot smoother for everyone. You can block half the forum if you like and create a very clean experience for yourself. Do not publicly brag that you blocked someone. Just use the feature silently. This is not a weapon to use to troll others, this is just a way to keep your screen clean of drama. Note to Mods: You should not be ignoring people because it is your job to keep your eyes on the drama. Lucky you!
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