Black and white black hole

Tyler Robinson
By Tyler Robinson in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events,
Dogmatic thinking. Black and white thinking. It's a kind of neurosis that most people aren't aware of, the self bias prevents it from showing up. The mind needs resolution of conflict, the mind desperately seeks closure and it doesn't want to entertain nuances because the mind seeks relief in conflict resolution. Knowing what's good, what's bad, what's right, what's wrong, is the nature of human deception since the mind wants it all laid out with no piece left indecipherable. This need causes dogmatic thinking.  This is never more so relevant than when it comes to some acute and inflammatory political debates and subjects. The mind wants to pick sides. There's cognitive dissonance if it doesn't. The middle road is too difficult to stick to because it offers no clear cut destination.  There's one way to calm yourself. By telling yourself that it's okay to be conflicted. Don't be upset. It's okay. Calm the voice of self bias. Objectivity lies in not judging things and not knowing the whole truth.   
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