Reply to How To Use The Ignore Function

Thought Art
By Thought Art,
Yeah, I am basically wanting to be treated with respect on the forum. 
  The mechanisms and cognitive processes of how we deal with our emotions when interacting with people are rather complicated. To some degree suffering is self created and it’s something I work on everyday as I become more aware of how everything interconnects. 
  At the same time, when communicating with people I am biased towards being treated in a manner I perceived as respectful. When someone is speaking down to me, hyper analyzing me, projecting on me, schooling me, correcting me, not listening to me, cherry picking aspects of my response, gas lighting me, acting superior to me, etc These are things I’d like to avoid. So, part of my process is to work on myself internally. Yes that’s all good and well. But, also I’m not going to be a doormat to jerks. So, I’ll ignore and/ stand up to these individuals when they act in this way. 
  Someone like Razard has a lot to offer the forum. However, at this time given my last few interactions he will remain ignored. Also his refusal to approach this with humility, self reflection, and love suggest to me a much lower development level than he preaches. Which I hesitate to say out loud.