A Term I Notice Gets Thrown Around Alot GASLIGHTING

By Razard86 in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
https://thepsychologygroup.com/gaslighting-how-to-recognize-it-and-what-to-say-when-it-happens/ Read this article and notice that the definition for this term is vague, and it accuses another of "making" you doubt your reality. Notice the sneakiness involved in this term. Here is a kicker for you....and it will blow your mind. An OTHER has never gaslighted you EVER. The truth is YOU GASLIGHT YOU!!! Gaslighting is a term that EGOS love to use, to play the victim. If you ever accuse another of GASLIGHTING....in that moment YOU ARE GASLIGHTING YOU!!! The irony!!! But you may say.....I don't believe you!! Right now I FEEL THAT YOUR STATEMENTS ARE ITSELF GASLIGHTING!!! Of course you do!!! Because anytime you become unsure you must BLAME AN OTHER for those FEELINGS!!! Gaslighting can be summed up in one small phrase "When through an interaction you feel that your feelings (emotional state) is not being validated (agreed with) which is basically what compassion is (emotional validation).  So basically when someone is not in alignment with your SUBJECTIVE (SELFISH, BIASED) world view...you accuse them of GASLIGHTING YOU!!! I can deconstruct this on SO MANY LEVELS!!! SO I WILL BECAUSE ITS FUN!!! The Intellectual Level: We interpret things from our selfish desires. So let's say a man wants to save money but his female partner wants him to spend more money. If she is able to dangle the potential for sex to get him to spend money and then denies him sex later on he will accuse her of GASLIGHTING HIM when she not only turns him down but says its his fault that he spent the money and not her.  Why does he accuse her of GASLIGHTING? Because he doesn't want to own the fact that he only violated his desire to save money, because he wanted sex and he is only mad because he didn't get what he wanted. Now did she GASLIGHT HIM? YES!!! But guess what? He also is GASLIGHTING HIMSELF!! He is acting like he isn't playing the same game she is, which is trying to get what he wants, he just got outplayed!! Now he might say....well I was trying to play a WIN/WIN game and she is trying to play a WIN/LOSE game!! Again that's just your selfishness. Who are you to tell someone HOW they should play the game of survival? Why should they trust that your perspective of WIN/WIN will fit THEIR perspective of WIN/WIN? How do you know that their perspective of WIN/WIN isn't WIN/LOSE? You might reply well that is just selfish....to which can be replied....so is your desire for them to agree with your POV. That too is selfish!! Emotional Level: You have a hard day at work and want your husband to listen to you talk about your feelings. So he does. But then you want him to give his opinion on the matter and initially he resists. So you push him until he gives his honest opinion. But his honest opinion to you seems so cold, logical, and not warm and you desired a response that was more caring, nurturing and supportive so you accuse him of GASLIGHTING YOU. Did he gaslight you? If he gave his honest opinion...NO!!! In fact...him telling you what you WANT TO HEAR (which is compassion) IS GASLIGHTING YOU. How so? Because he would have to gaslight himself first (lie to himself about what he really wants to tell you) then present the "tell her what she wants to hear so she will stop nagging me" message that he knows will get her to be happy so he doesn't have to be bothered. But what you don't realize is when he does this.....he is GASLIGHTING YOU and HIMSELF!!! He is denying his own reality...to tell you what you want to hear, which means he is both gaslighting himself and you at he same time. But because this is a message you WANT to hear....you don't take it as GASLIGHTING you take it as confirmation that YOU ARE RIGHT!!! This is why echo chambers....are such easy traps to fall into.  So what does this mean? The moment you assume an OTHER is GASLIGHTING YOU, THAT IS PROOF THAT YOU ARE GASLIGHTING YOU!!! The only one that has ever gaslight you...IS YOU!!! Gaslighting is the game of VICTIMHOOD!!! It will always allow you to NOT TAKE OWNERSHIP OF YOUR OWN EMOTIONS, THOUGHTS, AND ACTIONS!!! It is a get of jail card to never take responsibility and to continue to be the GOOD PERSON and OTHERS ARE BAD. The irony is...the more you accuse others of gaslighting you....is actually evidence....of how often YOU GASLIGHT. What is gaslight? Just another word for SELF-DECEPTION!!!! As long you deny that YOU ARE SELFISH, and are just in a world where the game is selfishness then you will always GASLIGHTING yourself and others! There is only one gaslighter, one conspiracy, one devil, one trickster, and that ONE IS YOU!!! This identity game is a game of DENIAL!!! And you LOVE TO DENY!!! Its like the game of tag NOT IT!!! You are constantly tagging others and saying NOT IT!!! But who are you tagging? Everyone is you....you are ALWAYS IT!!!
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