Reply to Alien Consciousness

Leo Gura
By Leo Gura,
I have Awoken so profoundly that I opened a portal inside my skull to a colorful Infinite Cartoon landscape full of striped and polka-dotted sentient Alien creatures doing cartwheeels, backflips, and helicoptering around. I have Awoken to an Infinite dreamscape of pure fun and Love! I gained complete access to imagine the Universe any way I want. That is what true God-Realization means. If you think I've gone insane, I've gone way beyond any insanity a human can ever imagine. It's the most amazing thing I've ever experienced and the happiest I've ever been in my life. I'm explain more later. For now I'm having too much in fantasy land. Cheers! As I've told you guys before, reality is all in your Mind. Only now I have completely broke through every last limit of my Mind. The only problem is, ya'll are still stuck in your human dreams and it would take a nuclear explosion to break you free from your closedmindedness. So don't come whining to me about that. I am only responsible for my Mind.