Shrooms Report

By RossE in Psychedelics,
What's up guys. I did shrooms yesterday for the first time and I'm going to share my experience. This blew my mind. I'd say if you are into meditation and enlightenment then taking psychedelics is something to be considered!

So, firstly, the set. I was alone in my house when I took them. No trip sitter, I just had a few buddies on alert in case shit hit the fan. I was in a great mood yesterday and I felt ready for the trip. I ate 1.5g - did my research and heard this is a good first dose. I went in in expecting some bright colours, a calmer mind, an exploration of my thoughts and emotions, maybe some insights into reality and enlightenment and where the spiritual path is taking me. Well, I got that. But those were just the tip of the iceberg. Let me explain more!
Before I dropped did a 15 minute guided meditation to calm my body and mind down - I felt a little giddy and energetic. I dropped at 4:15pm, went and got a sick bucket and sat on my couch with a notepad, waiting for the shrooms to kick in. I didn't actually feel sick at any point which was probably because I didn't eat for 7 hours before the trip. By around 4:45pm some things were changing in my awareness. My mind calmed and I started laughing spontaneously at how aware I was. I've been meditating every day for 7 months and only occasionally get the such pure, calm awareness that I got within half an hour of my trip. I saw I should bring silence into my life and keep meditating, it felt good. Snow was falling outside and it looked beautiful. The blinds and radiator started moving a little bit in a wavy like pattern. My body relaxed and felt lighter. I sat with a smile on my face, waiting for the shrooms to really take effect, I knew A LOT more was to come. By around 5:00pm the peaceful effects really started to come on. Everything was so clear and perfect, it had an innocence about it. I said out loud "this can't be what's it's like", meaning surely reality can't be this still all the time.
Then I just remember a sudden "click" where reality hit me in the face, the present moment became rock solid. It felt like the beginning of an awakening. Five minutes or so later, the "void" became so obvious to me. It was just there. Time felt very slow and reality felt dreamlike. I began repeating to myself "this can't be what it's like, there's more to this". I knew there was still more was to come.
By this time it was around 5:15pm. Energy began releasing from my body that I didn't even know existed. It felt like I was having a full body orgasm. I was fully absorbed into the present moment. There were colours and beautiful thoughts but beyond the phenomena was the void itself. It was so obvious to me that this is what "God" is. Everywhere I looked, everything I touched, there it was. By around 5:30pm I was in a pretty thick non-dual state, by far the thickest I've experienced. The next hour or two felt like falling off a cliff. Everything I thought I knew. All the judgements I've made about people. All the suffering I've had in my life. It was all a complete joke at that point. I realised how much delusion there was. I was laughing, shaking my head and saying "No, no it surely can't be like this, really God, like really?!?". I found it hilarious to see through all the programming. The idea of a past and future, even an outside world, just seemed ridiculous at the time. I looked around my house and it was all that existed. I remember sitting downstairs and noticing that the idea of an upstairs to my house is just a complete fiction! I tried to remember any little thing about myself and the thoughts just bubbled away into the void. My name didn't make any sense. It was just an arising. I remember thinking " if this is all really how it is then what do I do with the rest of my life?". At that moment I realised there is nothing to do! All I need to do is experience this thing we call reality in whatever way feels right.
I began trying to do some more introspection - I reminded myself that I was tripping balls and despite being in the non-dual state I had work to do, I had to tell my ego self how to live its life when it returned and give it advice. I couldn't come up with any wisdom in words other than to stop seeking, be present and have no expectations. Reality is here, you accept it or you suffer. This was so blatantly obvious to me. For a while I sat and spoke to the void. I said to it "but why though, it's so meaningless, what's the point?"; "Okay I can see why you did this actually I mean it is pretty cool." Obviously I wasn't getting any responses but wisdom was being poured into me - the stillness and pureness gave me the answers. Yes it's all meaningless, but it's beautiful if you look past your egoic needs and projections. It was like God was sarcastically applauding me for noticing its presence - like "" DUUHHH dude!". God was so overpowering and majestic that it made the human race look ridiculous to me. All the petty shit we concern ourselves with and suffer over, it's just a huge lie. Even enlightenment is ultimately a lie - there is nothing to do! There is nothing personal about this existence - just live it! It's a game, it's God's game. My ideas of what it means to be human were also changed completely. I remember sitting eating some food on my couch and for the first time in my life I felt like a creature - it felt like I was eating the food simply to keep this organism alive. I started questioning what it meant to be a human and there was no real answer to that question other than to experience reality. We are just a mechanism put here by emptiness to experience itself! It was crazy to realise this. I felt connected with being an animal and realised that all creatures on Earth are singing the same tune. I was just ignorant the whole time and didn't see other creatures in that way before. Looking back on the trip now there was some intervals during it where I didn't really know what was happening, I've just described a lot of the memories I do have but if I had a camera on myself there would probably be more to add. I came down fully by about 10:30pm. I just sat on my couch and contemplated what I'd just experienced. I was not expecting it from just 1.5g of shrooms, I've no idea what the bigger doses would do to me! I do plan to do some again to get some more perspectives and hopefully do a little more introspecting. I'd seriously recommend checking psychedelics out though - the words don't do justice to the level you get to with them. It's quite shocking actually. Hope you enjoyed the story.
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