Mechanisms behind anxiety

By Osaid in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
Anxiety is resistance. Reality is one way, if you try to resist reality, anxiety is created. Anxiety is a game you will always lose. Anxiety is created because you are projecting standards onto reality which are impossible to meet. If it was possible to meet, anxiety would cease to exist, because there is nothing to resist. You can't have anxiety without resisting something.  Let's say someone is scared of what people think of them and they experience anxiety over it. This person has already shot themselves in the foot, and they will suffer anxiety for the rest of their lives until they decide to stop playing the game they have created. Let's look at the rules they have created in this game: 1. No one can think badly of me 2. I have to control what everyone thinks Do you see now? This game of anxiety is completely unwinnable and unsustainable. It's just silly. Of course your life is going to be riddled with fear and worry and anxiety when you set rules like this up for yourself. You've set up rules for yourself which force reality to be against you. The reason why people experience so much drama and anxiety is because they are constantly setting up impossible little games like this for themselves. The feeling of anxiety is reality telling you "you cannot ignore this facet of me, you need to surrender to me and appreciate me and love me and accept me". You have two choices: 1. Constant emotional suffering because you're deciding to play a game where the rules are rigged against you 2. Realizing your games are unwinnable and getting over it. Alignment with reality, no resistance, no suffering, no silly rules to pertain to. It's time to stop constantly contorting and resisting and tip-toeing around reality. It's not a game worth playing. It's not a sustainable way to live life. When you stop playing these games, reality will welcome you with open arms, and you will think "why the hell was I playing those stupid games before instead of just being at peace here?" Next time you feel anxiety, ask yourself: How am I denying reality? Where is the resistance coming from? Where is reality disagreeing with me? How am I setting unwinnable standards? You can actually purge your anxiety by confronting it this way. When you realize how silly and impossible the rules you set up is, there will be a deep sense of surrender, and a feeling of peace will flow over you when you are finally in alignment with truth and reality. You will realize it is much easier and much more efficient to just go along with reality instead of eternally resisting. Truth is, anxiety is unnecessary. It's primitive. It makes you nervous and fluster over your words, it's not productive. There is no situation in reality where you want to experience anxiety, it doesn't feel nice. You want to feel good, not bad. There is no reason for you to rationalize that anxiety is good or beneficial in some way. Ideally, you don't want it. You would rather have it be removed while everything else stays the same. This is possible to achieve. You might say anxiety is a motivator of some sort, sure, but that's like the most primitive form of motivation ever, and it motivates through pain and suffering, which means it is unsustainable in the long run. You can be motivated without anxiety. That's what you really want.                  
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