Past & Future Is Imaginary

Vincent S
By Vincent S,
Why exactly is the past and the future Imaginary?

I just had a deep sense and realization of the fact that that what I experienced in the past is Imaginary. Because I imagined it first, and then got to experience/live it in the Now.

I have been putting off listening to Leo's Deconstructing Myth Of Science videos for a while now. And while watching part 3, I came to the realization that I Imagined watching that video before. And now I'm getting to live/experience/listen to it "live". But I of course realized that all that is happening in one Instant, in the Now. There was no "past" me Imagining it, there is no future me deciding to watch it: It's all happening in the NOW. But my mind has (past tense) been so focused on linear progression and been programmed with a certain way of looking at Reality. Even the Imagining of the mind being focused (past tense) on linear progression and programmed (past tense) is looking at the situation in a linear fashion that is heavily time oriented. That itself is the fabric of its limitations and expansions/liberation happening in the Now. But as the finite separate pieces of itself. it can choose to look at the situation in one way or the other. And its experience will be exactly mirrored on to itself, by its way of looking at it. And once it has looked from both angles, it can choose to look at it as a whole single happening.

Then, what is Now is what Is, has been, will ever be, and at the same time wouldn't have ever happened. It's just a perfect loop of Nothingness appearing as Something-ness and then looping back in on itself.

Your/our reality is just a construction and deconstruction that is happening at the same time. But we separate the happenings in to linear moments and separated objects that we watch the entirety of the play from. And that play itself Is just what God is. The ability to create yourself, experience yourself, and to destroy yourself. Like an artist which uses one hand to draw something beautiful, and use the other hand to erase what it is creating. At the same time, but then the animation is live, because it is constantly moving, changing, evolving and morphing.

Everything I ever experienced and will experience, is pages of a flip book animation. And of course, even beyond that, being the creator of the flip book, is then watched by another me, watching me, drawing the flip book animation of me watching a flip book animation. I'm sure you are getting where this is going.
Or shall I say: I'm (you the reader) sure I'm getting where this is going.