Integrating Awakening Within Society & Culture

By RevoCulture in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
What follows isn't offered through the lens of right or wrong, should or shouldn't be.  It, instead, seeks to have an honest and humble effect as a witness to what is.  A witness or form of healthy measurement regarding a person's knowledge and application of "I am eternal consciousness, I am not the materials of my body or the character of my ego." Throughout spiritual or conscious type circles, this forum, I tend to find a strong sense of pride or ego in people's proclamations about the nature of "I."  As if stating "we are not the body or character mask of the ego, we are eternal consciousness," was a finishing move in some spiritual combat game.  What does that really mean though?  It's comparable to saying a tree is a tree.  Yes, we call that object, that essence, that form, a tree but is that really encompassing the depths of its nature, does that really explain what it is? Recognizing the complex weave of "I" is a massive accomplishment, hands down.  At the same time, the difference between an intellectual interpretation and a visceral one is of cosmic proportions.  Within the visceral experience, a path of spiraling degrees, greater and greater degrees of awakening or enlightenment.  Psychedelics, meditation, contemplation have played key roles in my journey.  While psychedelics do an excellent job of pulling us deeper into the unified field, we don't remain, and we lose the conscious knowledge or essence of that space as we reintegrate.  We are forever changed by the experience, but the design of the human brain, its available RAM/Processing power, data storage, etc., doesn't accommodate the magnitude.  But, maybe the point isn't being all-knowing, maybe it is to taste, to become witness to, and then work within the design as we are capable of doing. An absolutely unified position has no division, the singularity, eternal consciousness, Tat.  It is a unified body.  The proclamation about the deeper truth of our being being eternal consciousness, unified reality, should then be somewhat measurable through our actions, how we live.  Do we live as though we are divided or as though we are one? Do we seek private bank accounts, my home, my car, my life, my job, my travel, my spiritual awakening?  We express our knowledge of eternal consciousness more through the lens of primal biology than anything else at this point, a deep dualistic expression.  Again, this isn't about right or wrong, it is about awakening, human evolution. When a person's sense of self drives past the body and mind into eternal consciousness and takes root, their ability to function from that place becomes empowered.  The empowerment comes from a truthful and visceral knowingness of themselves as that space, one and the same.  A state of being that can not be known from a purely intellectual regurgitation of "I am not the body or the mind, I am eternal consciousness."  Right and wrong, have no value here, it is about what comes from what.  Each step in the path is vital, equal.  There is no rush, it all unfolds.  My point and emphasis is on being truthful, honest about where we are and what we can expect from a particular embodiment of knowledge. There is no human community on this planet that functions in a way that promotes a deliberate and effective path to conscious awakening while also ensuring the longevity of the species. (A complex position that incorporates developing technology and continued collection of data in the drive towards conscious awakening.)  Longevity is required to ensure higher degrees of awakening, and awakening is required to implement systems that ensure longevity. We can all witness actions, our own and others.  The next expression of human culture and society shaped within the context of awakening consciousness would look and function in a very different way than what we have had thus far. Good and bad, right and wrong don't apply.  It is about the awakening and evolution of conscious expression.  My point again, be mindful when seeing or proclaiming one of the dominant finishing moves, "I am not my body, or mind, or ego, I am eternal consciousness." We live in a system, culture, and society, a narrative that is rooted in being the body, the mind, the ego.  Our job is to establish the next step, the new system, the next narrative or perspective based on eternal truth, based on our knowledge of being eternal consciousness.  The question is what does that mean, how is that expressed?  This question is way more complex than simply stating "I am not my body or mind, or ego, I am eternal consciousness."    
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