If we are one,why cant i see and experience what you see and experience?

By Ineedanswers in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
Hello.can someone please help me understand this? If we are all one,then why cant i see,hear,smell what you see,hear and smell right now? Can someone explain this to me please? Ive been trying to understand it but just cant seem to. The fact that i dont experience(see,hear,smell,taste) what you do leads me to believe that im separate and that we all are not one(i.e-god) If i am more than my sense organs.then why cant i see or hear if my eyes and ears get damaged? If all i am i eternal awareness ,and i am not localized in the body would i not be able to see and hear without my eyes/ears.
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