Reply to I DesERvE

By Preety_India,
Self Relationship Project  Set aside time only for yourself... 1-2 hours per day just discussing your own issues and your own challenges and your own self. This is a self awareness project  Develop your relationship with yourself  Heal your relationship with yourself (if you have a damaged relationship with yourself)    Self awareness Project.    Catch yourself whenever you are neglecting yourself  Tell yourself that you absolutely deserve to take care of yourself  Get to know yourself better. (self exploration) what do you know about yourself?  Invest in self exploration. Explore who you are.  Explore your self image  Identify how you feel and who you are.  Express yourself as much as possible as openly as possible. I'll call this self expression exercise.  Explore your conditioning and programming.  Deprogram yourself  Do you know what you want?<this is a part of self awareness> Do you know what you need to do for yourself? <this is a part of self awareness > How many times do you focus on yourself (self focus)?  Have you gone deeper into yourself? (part of shadow work, this is a part of self introspection)    Self awareness  Self Introspection  Self relationship Self exploration  Self expression  Shadow work  Self focus    Difference between self awareness, self exploration and self focus.  What is self awareness?  Being aware of what you want, what you need, what you are aware of what you are currently doing, and what you should be doing for your self.  For example, if you are aware that you have a video game addiction but you are still playing a video game. You realize that you shouldn't be doing it and should be exercising in the gym instead. This is self awareness. Acute self awareness means you'll actually abandon the video game and start exercising. This means that you are not only self aware but you're very aligned with what you want. You are very coordinated with your own needs.  Even if you are not fully aligned at least you are aware of what you need to do to be aligned. You have no confusion on that.    What is self focus?  Self focus is giving more time and attention to your self. Are you doing enough? Are you focused on everything else but not yourself? When was the last time you spent time alone or even discussed only about yourself?  Living around narcissists will cause you to lose self focus because they will constantly demand your attention by talking about their needs with you. They will punish you if you begin to talk about your needs. The objective of their strategy is to not let you focus on yourself. But use all your time, energy and resources for themselves, not for you.    What is self exploration?  Self exploration is knowing who you are. Your personality. Your likes. Dislikes. Interests. Goals. Your personality type. Your values. Your temperament. Your stage of development. Your psyche. Your strengths. Your weaknesses. Your passions. Your limitations.        I will also have exercises for self control.