Why The Last of Us 2 is A Spiritually Enlightening Experience (No Spoilers)

By ardacigin in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
No spoilers! Don't worry I've recently played The last of us 2 on PS5 which is a Sony exclusive AAA game on vengeance, regret and empathy. It was one of the most psychologically and spiritually profound gaming experiences of my life. This will be a quick no-spoiler post on the themes of the game and why you should play if you are on the spiritual path. By the way, you should play Last of us 1 prior to this game.  See, video games are an interactive medium that has the potential to provide a narrative above and beyond what movies or books can do. IF done right. I think LoU 2 did just that. Created a unique experience that requires Stage Yellow paradigm (in spiral dynamics) to even appreciate it as a baseline. It requires doing deliberate psychoanalysis to understand each character and their motivations. To empathize with each and concurrently piece together the puzzle parts into a coherent whole as the narrative is broken up into non-linear chapters and flashback. This is not an easy experience to digest and understand. You also need good skills as a player to enjoy the combat.  It is so easy to just slice up zombies and call it day. This is not a game you can enjoy with a casual gamer mindset. It is a realistic story that has grey characters with no perceptible villain. It requires some deep understanding of how trauma psychology works to get a sense of why characters do the things they do. The themes of vengeance, regret and empathy is explored in such a way that since it is an interactive video game, it makes the package so profound and deep. Something that can't be experienced with a movie or a TV show. This is all I can say without spoiling anything. Do yourself a favour and play this game with an open mind. You'll come to see all the hate and negativity that surrounds this game is absolutely unfounded which is a testament to its core audience which are high conscious individuals. And this is rare thing in an industry where each high quality AAA takes about 100-200 million dollars to create. Taking such risks in a beloved franchise is very bold. And for that, I congratulate Naughty dog. And that is why I loved this game miles better than Last of Us 1.  I personally took a deep look at my life and saw how the self-other duality was getting in the way of true compassion and empathy towards the 'other'. That bias towards 'my life' is such an entrenched thing that it made me loosen up some of my self boundaries and approach my close friends and family with significantly more empathy and understanding regarding their suffering and problems. Especially towards people I don't subtly like or secretly judge. It made me see certain traumatic underpinnings of my pscyhe and I'm looking into working through them as well. If experienced deeply, this game is a great trigger to do deep spiritual, psychological and philosophical investigation. Definitely one of my most profound cinematic story experiences of my gaming career. It took me a good 7 days after finishing the game to digest and explore its themes deeply within myself and internalize some of its lessons. Let me know your thoughts down below and how it impacted your spiritual evolution. Without spoiling anything. Much love, Arda        
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