Got thrown out of a club, not sure what to make of it

By something_else,
I've just graduated, moved out, got a solid job making good money, now I'm living on my own in a new town. I know I'm socially not as developed as I need to be and that's where most of my efforts are going just now, the new town thing makes that especially tough. I've been socialising quite a bit, had some great experiences. Covid restrictions finally lifted enough for nightclubs to open. I still haven't made any solid friends here yet so I've been going alone so far and had an absolute blast the first time I went to this particular place. However I went back again this Friday and had a really shitty experience. Initially I was denied entry because I was on my own, despite going there alone before. I then found a couple girls round the corner who said they'd pretend they knew me and got in, I never saw them again after that but it felt great at the time. I was there for a couple hours, spoke to a bunch of people, danced etc. then I started talking to another pair of girls, it was loud and they couldn't hear me so I cupped my hand around one of their ears and spoke into that, just some some basic shit about if they were having a good night. No more than 30 seconds total. They clearly weren't interested so I just moved on. I didn't think anything of it, really, I'm pretty sure that's normalish club behaviour but it was the most forward thing I did. After that, I saw one of them talking to a bouncer and pointing directly at me while I was just having a good time dancing. Next thing I know he was telling me I had to leave. I don't know why but this has actually made me feel like total shit. I know it's relatively inconsequential, but I feel unbelievably guilty and confused because I don't really know exactly what I did wrong, but clearly something. The idea of being seen as creepy seems to hit something really deep inside me, I really hate being perceived that way. And being denied entry for being alone in retrospect reinforces this in my mind. It makes me feel like a creep somehow, or like I'm an outsider, like I'm doing something wrong. I'm really just venting because this has been playing on my mind a whole lot over the weekend. I'm definitely overthinking it, but if anyone happens to have any insight on anything I've said then I'd appreciate it